ZIBS视界丨IAB委员Yaseen Anwar接受CGTN专访




11月11日,由ZIBS及其生态伙伴北京前沿金融监管科技研究院共同举办的“ZIBS北京论坛暨全球金融科技中心网络年会”顺利召开。会上,ZIBS国际顾问委员会委员、巴基斯坦央行原行长Yaseen Anwar发表讲话,并在随后的媒体访谈中围绕一带一路等问题接受采访。以下为采访精选:

On November 11, ZIBS Beijing Forum & The Annual Conference of the Global FinTech Hub Network of the Financial Street Forum 2023 was held in Beijing. Yaseen Anwar, ZIBS IAB member and former governor of the Central Bank of Pakistan, took part in the event and interviewed by GCTN.






Yaseen Anwar在接受CGTN采访时表示,中国金融业正在高质量发展,并将继续在金融科技、绿色金融、可持续发展等方面发力。同时,他称赞了“一带一路”倡议,认为共建“一带一路”为新兴市场国家带来了更多融资机会。

China's financial sector is shifting to another level, focusing on fintech, green finance, and sustainability, said Yaseen Anwar. He also praised the Belt and Road Initiative, saying that the BRI provides access to finance, in particular for the global south and emerging economies.



国际信用评级机构穆迪10日宣布将美国主权信用评级展望从“稳定”下调至“负面”。对此,Yaseen Anwar表示,降级反映的是市场对美国经济前景和投资者信心的担忧。他认为,美国必须要解决巨额赤字问题,美国财政赤字长期居高不下,更多归因于政治分歧而非经济因素。

The U.S. deficit has been looming large and will continue to do so, said Yaseen Anwar. The recent downgrading by Moody's of U.S. credit rating outlook may not have a serious impact, but the U.S. has to address its deficit issue to avoid long-term economic impacts, Anwar tells CGTN.





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ZIBS视界丨IAB委员Yaseen Anwar接受CGTN专访
ZIBS视界丨IAB委员Yaseen Anwar接受CGTN专访