Jia Jia Lim博士现任浙江大学国际联合商学院助理教授。研究与教学的领域包括供应链管理,新技术和企业之间协作的可持续性发展,企业伦理,企业社会责任等。她的研究成果发表在International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business Research 和 International Journal of Production Economics国际学术期刊上。担任Journal of Supply Chain Management 编委,Industrial Management and Data Systems审稿人。
2022.10 至今,浙江大学国际联合商学院,助理教授
Journal Articles
Jia Jia Lim, Jing Dai, Antony Paulraj. “Collaboration as a structural aspect of proactive social sustainability: The differential moderating role of distributive and procedural justice. International Journal of Operations and Production Management(2022): Doi: 10.1108/IJOPM-06-2021-0402
Jing Dai, Wen Che, Jia Jia Lim, and Yongyi Shou. "Service innovation of cold chain logistics service providers: A multiple-case study in China." Industrial Marketing Management 89 (2020): 143-156.
Li Cui, Hing Kai Chan, Yizhuo Zhou, Jing Dai, and Jia Jia Lim. "Exploring critical factors of green business failure based on Grey-Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL)." Journal of Business Research 98 (2019): 450-461.
Hing Kai Chan, James Griffin, Jia Jia Lim, Fangli Zeng, and Anthony SF Chiu. "The impact of 3D Printing Technology on the supply chain: Manufacturing and legal perspectives." International Journal of Production Economics 205 (2018): 156-162.
Journal Articles
Jia Jia Lim, Jing Dai, Antony Paulraj. “Collaboration as a structural aspect of proactive social sustainability: The differential moderating role of distributive and procedural justice. International Journal of Operations and Production Management(2022): Doi: 10.1108/IJOPM-06-2021-0402
Jing Dai, Wen Che, Jia Jia Lim, and Yongyi Shou. "Service innovation of cold chain logistics service providers: A multiple-case study in China." Industrial Marketing Management 89 (2020): 143-156.
Li Cui, Hing Kai Chan, Yizhuo Zhou, Jing Dai, and Jia Jia Lim. "Exploring critical factors of green business failure based on Grey-Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL)." Journal of Business Research 98 (2019): 450-461.
Hing Kai Chan, James Griffin, Jia Jia Lim, Fangli Zeng, and Anthony SF Chiu. "The impact of 3D Printing Technology on the supply chain: Manufacturing and legal perspectives." International Journal of Production Economics 205 (2018): 156-162.
Technology, Organization and Society (GCM)) 技术,组织,社会
Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsbility (iMBA) 企业伦理和企业社会责任
Sustainabiliity (MCM) 可持续发展
Technology, Organization and Society (GCM)) 技术,组织,社会
Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsbility (iMBA) 企业伦理和企业社会责任