Program Takeaways

● Develop a holistic understanding of the mechanics and applications of key innovative technologies employed in FinTech firms
● Distinguish between various FinTech business models and evaluate potential regulatory and policy implications and responses across regulatory jurisdictions
● Utilize analytical tools to critically assess FinTech business models and prioritize areas of regulation according to their respective regulatory, supervisory and policy objectives and capabilities
● Assess the viability and suitability of an array of regulatory innovation initiatives and responses in the different jurisdictions
● Create a proposal to catalyze regulatory innovation within participant institutions
● Develop a tangible outcome that can be a catalyst for regulatory innovation within participating institutions
Academic Directors

BEN Shenglin
BEN Shenglin
Dean of ZIBS
"The program provides necessary insights for regulators and industry professionals, allowing them to get a full understanding of the changes undergoing in the digital economy. More importantly, regulators can assess the impact and significance of innovative technologies and the changes they can bring to the FinTech business models through this program, in a bid to better regulate and supervise new activities and promote regulation innovation. With the continuous development of FinTech in China, professionals need to understand how the industry will evolve and the role of future regulators." 
Robert Wardrop
Robert Wardrop
Co-Founder & Director, Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance
"The collaboration between ZIBS and CCAF will bring a world-class capacity building and training program on FinTech to the Chinese audience. This timely program provides empirical data, up-to-date information, and actionable insights to Chinese regulators, policymakers and industry leaders and facilitates evidence-based decision-making in a fast-changing digital economy."
Fintech Regulatory Innovation (FTRI) Program|ZIBS