雷李楠博士现任浙江大学国际联合商学院助理教授、研究员、博士生导师,长期从事企业创新与战略管理研究。针对数字化、全球化情境下中国企业,尤其是制造业隐形冠军的超越追赶,提出了实现企业跨越式成长的战略构型。研究成果发表在Management and Organization Review, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management、Asian Business & Management、《管理世界》、《管理工程学报》等国内外期刊上。
[1] Linan Lei, Yichu Zhang, Yeqi Wang, Ziyan Tan*. Duplicity is not always evil: The effect of inconsistency between attention and action on SADI firms’ performance in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. (Accepted)
[2] Keyi Fang, Xiaobo Wu, Weiqi Zhang & Linan Lei*. Unfolding the resource configuration and interaction in digital servitization: an exploratory two-stage research design. International Journal of Operations & Production Management. (Online)
[3] Linan Lei, Yanan Fu, Xiaobo Wu & Jian Du.* (2022) The Match between Structural Attributes and Content-based Orientation of Managerial Cognition: An Exploratory fsQCA Study of “Hidden Champions”. Management and Organization Review. 18(2), 395-423.
[4] Linan Lei & Xiaobo Wu.* (2022). Thinking like a specialist or a generalist-Evidence from hidden champions in China. Asian Business & Management, 4(1), 160-184.
[5] Peter. J. Williamson, Feng Wan, Eden Yin, Linan Lei.* (2020) Is disruptive innovation in emerging economies different? Evidence from China. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management. 10(1), 571-590.
[6] Linan Lei, Xiaobo Wu* & Ziyan Tan (2020) The growth of hidden champions in China: A cognitive explanation from integrated view. Chinese Management Studies. 14, (3), 613-637.
[7] Linan Lei, Voss Hinrich, Jeremy L. Clegg & Xiaobo Wu (2017). Climate change strategies of multinational enterprises in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 160(1), 98-108.
[8] 梁丽萍,刘潭飞,姚琳,雷李楠*. 数字化连接与信息对齐对竞争优势的影响:大数据预测分析能力的中介作用[J].管理工程学报.(在线发表)
[9] 吴晓波,王烨祺,雷李楠*.全国百优管理案例洞察.管理学报, ,2024,21(09):1285-1292.
[10] 程术希,王芳展,席萌,雷李楠*. 高校跨学科研究产出的影响因素[J]. 科技管理研究, 2023,43(21):105-111.
[11] 雷李楠(2022).培育冠军企业:区域高质量发展新动能[J].小康,2022,(10):32-33.(《求是》杂志子刊,《学习强国》平台全文转载)
[12] 雷李楠,谭子雁.“单项冠军+小巨人”:关键核心技术突破的互补力量[J].清华管理评论, 2021, (12): 93-100.
[13] 吴晓波,余璐,雷李楠*(2020). 超越追赶:范式转变期的创新战略.管理工程学报, 34(1), 1-8.
[14] 吴晓波,付亚男,吴东,雷李楠*(2019). 后发企业如何从追赶到超越?——基于机会窗口视角的双案例纵向对比分析.管理世界, 2(1), 151-167.
[15] 吴晓波,雷李楠*(2019). 隐形冠军:穿越周期而不衰. 哈佛商业评论, 7(1): 111-119.(《人大复印资料》全文转载)
[16] 吴晓波,雷李楠 (2016). 天生全球企业:中国的崛起.哈佛商业评论, 8(1): 38-44.(《人大复印资料》全文转载)
[1] [德]赫尔曼·西蒙(Hermann Simon). 《隐形冠军2:新时代、新趋势、新策略》.雷李楠,译. 北京: 机械工业出版社, 2023年11月,21.8(21.8).
[2] Wu, X.B. & Lei, L. N.*(2021). Hidden Champions in China, in A. Braček Lalić, D. Purg (Eds.). Hidden Champions in Dynamically Changing Societies, Switzerland, Springer Press.
[3] Wu, X. B. & Lei, L. N.(2021). Innovating for the Poor: The Inclusive Innovation System in China, in X. Fu, B. McKern, J. Chen (Eds). The Oxford Handbook of China Innovation, UK, Oxford University Press.
[4] 雷李楠. 中国制造业隐形冠军:从管理认知到企业成长,杭州,浙江大学出版社,2019年12月.
[1] Linan Lei (2024). Report on competitive strength development of modern service enterprises ”, CCF China Digital Service Conference. Ningbo, China.
[2] Linan Lei (2023). “Duplicity is Not Always Evil? Lessons from Hidden Champions in China”, ZIBS-ANU Joint Forum. Haining, China.
[3] Linan Lei (2022). “Hidden Champions in CEE and China ”, The 8th High-Level Think Tanks Symposium of China and CEEC. (Online)
[4] Linan Lei (2021). “The Match Between Structural Attributes and Content-Based Orientation of Managerial Cognition: An Exploratory fsQCA Study of‘Hidden Champions’”,Barcelona School of Management (BSM), Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain. (Online)
[5] Linan Lei, Xiaobo Wu, & Yanan Fu (2017). “Strategic schema and business specialization: Evidence from the catch-up and beyond of a Chinese hidden champion”, The 13th International Symposium on Global Manufacturing and China. Hangzhou, China. (ISTP Index)
[6] Linan Lei (2017). “How to Develop Climate Change Adaptations? Lessons from MNEs Investing in China”, The 12th International Ph.D. School on Innovation and Economic Development (Globelics Academy), University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland.
[7] Linan Lei(2016). “Decision-making Pathway of Developing Climate Change Adaptation: Lessons from MNEs Investing in China”, The 43rd Academy of International Business (UK & Ireland Chapter) Conference. Birkbeck, University of London, London, UK.
[8] Linan Lei & Jing Li (2014). “Inclusive innovation through intermediary in the resource-limited setting”. The 10th CICALICS Workshop. Beijing, China.
[1] 国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目,项目负责人,现代服务业发展水平评价理论与方法研究;
[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目负责人,后发追赶情境下机会窗口认知对企业创新战略的影响研究;
[3] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,项目负责人,后发企业超越追赶中差异化战略的最优构型研究;
[4] 浙江省软科学项目,项目负责人,战略性新兴产业“隐形冠军”的创新突破路径研究;
[5] 工业和信息化部委托项目,项目负责人,中小企业专精特新发展水平评价指标体系研究;
[6] 科技部国际合作司项目,项目负责人,“一带一路”科技创新合作服务我国开放创新生态构建路径研究;
[7] 教育部JMRH战略研究基地GF科技创新和JMRH战略研究项目,项目负责人,专精特新、小巨人、隐形冠J企业参J现状及难点研究;
[8] 中国博士后基金面上项目,项目负责人,管理认知对中国制造业隐形冠军企业成长的作用机制研究;
[9] 国家电网浙江省经研院委托项目,项目负责人,新形势下电网企业战略环境动态分析及综合评价研究;
[10] 国家电网浙江省经研院委托项目,项目负责人,基于第三方评价的战略诊断评估研究;
[11] 阿里巴巴集团委托项目,项目负责人,企业国际化案例研究;
[12] 蚂蚁集团委托项目,项目负责人,数字产融结合的模式与路径研究;
[1] 战略管理
[2] 创新与战略管理
[3] 创新管理前沿
[4] 研究生论文写作
[5] 冠军企业的创新与数智化
[6] 科技创新驱动创新创业
[1] 2023.4,2022年度校级先进工作者
[2] 2023.1,2022年度国际校区先进工作者
[3] 2023.1,浙江大学国际联合学院(海宁国际校区) 2022 年度优秀学术成果奖
[4] 2022.01,入选浙江省高层次人才计划
[5] 2021.12,浙江省第二十一届哲学社会科学优秀成果一等奖
[6] 2021.11,入选浙江省高层次人才计划
[7] 2021.07,浙江大学国际校区优秀共产党员
[8] 2020.11,入选“创新嘉兴”精英引领计划