Guanglun Liu, Jianlong Si, Wenchao Meng, Qinmin Yang, Chao Li, Wind Turbine Fault Detection with Multi-module Feature Extraction Network and Adaptive Strategy. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (2022).
Cunqi Shao, Mincheng Wu, Shibo He, Zhiguo Shi, Chao Li, Xinjiang Ye, Jiming Chen, Leveraging Human Mobility Data for Efficient Parameter Estimation in Epidemic Models of COVID-19. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (2022)
Mincheng Wu1, Chao Li1, Shibo He, Lanjuan Li, Youxian Sun, Jiming Chen, et al., Use of temporal contact graphs to understand the evolution of COVID-19 through contact tracing data. Communications Physics (2022).
Yanggang Cheng, Chao Li*, Yongtao Zhang, Shibo He, Jiming Chen, Spatial–Temporal Urban Mobility Pattern Analysis During COVID-19 Pandemic. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems (2022).
Kun Shi, Shuxian Liu, Chao Li*, Haoyu Liu, Shibo He, Qi Zhang, Jiming Chen, Toward Optimal Deployment for Full-View Point Coverage in Camera Sensor Networks. IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2022).
Kehan Li1, Chao Li1,Yinfeng Xiang, Fengxiang He, Shibo He, Jiming Chen, Yi Fang, Dacheng Tao, Youxian Sun,Policy and Newly Confirmed Cases Universally Shape the Human Mobility during COVID-19. National Science Open (2022).
Mingda Jiang, Chao Li*, Kehan Li, Zidong Yang and Hao Liu. Inter-Block Flow Prediction with Relation Graph Network for Cold-start on Bike-Sharing System. IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2022).
Kehan Li, Chao Li*, Jiming Chen, Qiming Zhang, Zebo Liu, and Shibo He. Boost Spectrum Prediction with Temporal-Frequency Fusion Network via Transfer Learning. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (2021).
Mingda Jiang, Chao Li*, Kehan Li, and Hao Liu. Destination Prediction Based on Virtual POI Docks in Dockless Bike-Sharing System. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (2021).
Kehan Li, Chao Li*, Baosheng Yu, Zhangchong Shen, Qiming Zhang, Shibo He, and Jiming Chen. Model and Transfer Spatial-temporal Knowledge for Fine-grained Radio Map Reconstruction. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking (2021).