

教授 副院长

莫申江,教授,博士生导师,现任浙江大学国际联合商学院副院长。其研究兴趣主要集中于商业伦理、领导力、组织行为、社会责任等专题领域,并具有这些领域多年教学经验,特别聚焦企业数字化变革中的新兴伦理和管理问题。研究成果发表在Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Business Ethics等国际学术期刊上。




2022.12 -至今,教授,浙江大学管理学院 领导力与组织管理学系
2016.12 -2022.12,副教授,浙江大学管理学院 领导力与组织管理学系
2016.08 -2016.12,讲师,浙江大学管理学院 领导力与组织管理学系
2012.11 -2016.07,讲师,中山大学岭南(大学)学院 经济管理系


1.HU Q., ADAM, H., DESAI S., MO S.*. 2024. Turning a blind eye to team members' unethical behavior: The role of reward systems. Journal of Business Ethics, online first.
2.ZHANG S., MO S.*, LIU W. 2024. Anger for good? Unethical-behavior-targeted leader anger expression and its consequences on team outcomes. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 45(1): 57-80. 
3. LI H., ZHANG S., MO S.*, NEWMAN A. 2023. Relative leader-member exchange and unethical pro-leader behavior: The role of envy and distributive justice climate. Journal of Business Ethics, online first.
4. KUNST H., NGUYEN H., JOHNSON A., MO S.*, MACCANN C. 2023. Who cares for those who care? The role of healthcare leaders' regulation of followers' emotions on follower job satisfaction. Australian Journal of Management. online first.
5. MO S., LUPOLI, M., NEWMAN, A., UMPHRESS, E. 2023. Good intention, Bad behavior: A review and synthesis  of  the literature on unethical prosocial behavior (UPB) at work. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 44(2): 335-354.
6. MO S., SONG Y., FANG Y., WANG M., SHI J., JIN W., ZHAO X. 2022. Performance goal orientation and unethical pro-organizational behavior: A moderated mediation
model. International Journal of Human Resource Management, online first.
7. XUE S., TANG Y., XU Y., LING C., XIE X., MO S. 2022. How boards' factional faultlines affect corporate financial fraud. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, online first.

