


万峰博士现任浙江大学国际联合商学院副教授,曾在北京师范大学担任讲师、英国东英吉利大学担任副教授。主要研究领域是创新管理、产业集群和竞争战略。研究成果发表在Management International Review、Technovation、Technological Forecasting & Social Change国际学术期刊上。


  • 2013.10,英国剑桥大学,管理学博士(战略和创新管理)

  • 2009.10,英国剑桥大学,科技政策硕士

  • 1998.07,北京交通大学,计算机科学学士


  • 2021.09 至今,浙江大学国际联合商学院,副教授

  • 2015.09-2021.08,英国东英吉利大学,副教授

  • 2013.10-2015.09,北京师范大学,讲师



  • Caleb T., Chi K., Eden Y., Wan, F.*, Jiao, H. 2021. R&D activities and innovation performance of MNE subsidiaries: The moderating effects of government support and entry mode, Technological Forecasting & Social Change. 166,120603. 

  • Wan, F. Williamson, P. & Pandit, N. 2020. MNE liability of foreignness versus local firm-specific advantages: the case of the Chinese software management industry, International Business Review. 29(1), 101623.

  • Williamson, P., Wan, F., Yin, E. & Lei, L. 2020. Is disruptive innovation in emerging economies different? Evidence from China. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management. 57, 101590.

  • Wan, F., Williamson, P. & Yin, E. 2019. Enabling cost innovation by non-traditional organizational processes: The case of Chinese firms. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 139, 352-361. 

  • Pandit, N., Cook, G., Wan, F.*, Beaverstock, J. & Ghauri, P. 2018. The Economies and diseconomies of industrial clustering: Multinational enterprise versus uninational enterprises. Management International Review, 58(6), 935-967 

  • Williamson, P. & Wan, F.* 2018. Emerging market multinationals and the concept of ownership advantages. International Journal of Emerging Markets. 13(3), 557-567

  • Wan, F., Williamson, P. J. & Yin, E. 2015. Antecedents and implications of disruptive innovation: Evidence from China. Technovation, 39-40: 94-104.


  • 高明华、万峰等:《中国上市公司企业家能力指数报告2014》,十二五国家重点图书,57万字,经济科学出版社。

  • Williamson, P. & Wan, F. 2019. How real are the opportunities for multinationals in China? In: Grosse, R. and Meyer, K.E. (eds.) The Oxford handbook of management in emerging markets. Oxford University Press.


  • Wan, F., 2014. Converting Country-specific Advantages into Firm-specific Advantages in Emerging Markets. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 1-5, 2014, Philadelphia, USA.

  • Wan, F., 2013. How do firms develop and sustain competitive advantage? A renewed research agenda. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.

  • Wan, F. & Williamson, P. J., 2012. Accessing country-specific advantages: the Case of the Chinese Enterprise Management Software Industry. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting 2012, Washington, DC, USA.

  • Wan, F. & Williamson, P. J., 2011. Toward a Theory of Converting Country-specific Advantages into Firm-specific Advantages. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 12-16, 2011, San Antonio, USA.

  • Wan, F. & Williamson, P. J., 2011. Converting Country-specific Advantages into Firm-specific Advantages in Chinese Firms: the Case of BYD. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, June 24-28, 2011, Nagoya, Japan.


  • 英国国家学院(British Academy)课题,批准号: SRG1819\190297,Does multinationality matter in industrial clusters? A comparison in the UK media and financial services industries,2019-05至2021-01,已结题,主持

  • 英国Norwich金融产业集群经济和创新政策咨询,2016-03至2018-06,已结题,参与 

  • 英国Norfolk & Suffolk 高端制造产业集群经济和创新政策咨询,2019-10至2021-07,已结题,参与   

  • 中国洛阳国家大学科技园经济和创新政策咨询,2020-02至2021-12,已结题,参与(在我们的协助下,洛阳国家大学科技园获得国际科技园协会IASP 2020年度最具创新科技园全球十强)  

  • 国家社科基金重大项目,批准号: 14ZDA025,发展混合所有制经济研究,2014年至2018年,已结题,子课题负责人


  • 创新管理

  • 产业集群、科技园

  • 竞争战略


  • 管理学基础

  • 战略和创新管理

  • 跨文化管理


  • 2019,Literati论文奖,Emerald Publishing Limited

  • 2014,“战略管理”被列为北京师范大学全校观摩课程