暑期去剑桥?iMBAer,你来不来?—— 剑桥大学夏令营项目开放申请通知

编辑: 时间:2023-03-22 阅读量:0

2023年暑期,ZIBS启动“从中国到英国-商业创新的前世今生”—  剑桥大学夏令营项目,欢迎广大iMBA学员踊跃报名
In 2023 Summer, ZIBS will launch the new exchange program ""From China to the UK - The Past and Present of Business Innovation" - Cambridge Summer Camp "

一、项目特色/Program Highlights
  • 剑桥大学官方合作-稀有剑桥大学证书
  • 高端导师-诺奖获得者、前国家领导、院士/著名教授
  • 专注英国-深度体验英伦文化
  • 名导师推荐信-优秀学员可获得导师推荐信
Program Highlights
This program is a collaboration between Fitzwilliam College in Cambridge University and ZIBS, employing the world's leading scholars and executives in the field of digital innovation to help students understand the development of innovation in the field of business ,mechanism, and implement ation process of various kinds of business innovation through a comparison between China and the West, which is beneficial to making a full preperation for their future career success.
 Official Cooperation - Cambridge certificate
 Outstanding Supervisor - Nobel Prize winner and former national leaders, academicians/professor
 Focused on Britain - deep experience in British culture
 Letters of Recommendation - outstanding students may obtain master letters of recommendation

二、部分授课师资 (参考)/Faculty(reference)

三、部分参访企业(参考)/Business Visit(reference)


四、项目信息/Program Information
  1. 项目日期:2023年7月30日-8月12日
  2. 沉浸式体验:
  • 吃:剑桥大学餐厅+部分特色体验餐饮
  • 住:剑桥大学宿舍(订满时另行安排)
  • 体验:有机会体验剑河泛舟/博物馆参观/经典英式下午茶/莎翁戏剧欣赏等精彩活动
  1. 项目费用:3550英镑/人
       c学生的个人额外支出 ,比如一日三餐以外英式下午茶或酒吧的费用

Program Information
  1. Time : 2023. 07.30-08.12
  2. LogisticsSharing the canteendormitory and other facilities together with the students of Cambridge
  1. Program cost: 3550 pounds per person
             a  Inland transport costs for activities in the UK.
             b Course fees: registration fees, course fees and required documents.
             c Living expenses: accommodation and meals during the time of overseas activities.
             d Activity fee: spending on visits and tourist attractions listed in the schedule.
             a Passport and visa fees
             b Flight tickets and domestic transportation costs
             c Extra personal expenses, such as the cost of English afternoon tea or pubs
             d Insurance: Personal accident insurance in the UK.

  1. 申请对象:ZIBS iMBA学员
  2. 报名名额:10人
  3. 报名截止时间:2023年3月26日
  4. 申请条件
   A 综合素质突出,本专业课程成绩优异。
   B 英语水平良好,原则上要求申请人提交在有效期限内的英语成绩证明:CEFR C1 Level、TOEFL (iBT)79分及以上、IELTS 6.0分及以上、GMAT verbal score 21及以上。
  【Application requirements
  1. Applicant: ZIBS iMBA students
  2. Quota: 10 students
  3. Registration deadline2023.03.26
  4. Application Certification
     A Excellent academic performance.
     B  Proficient in English listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Applicants are required to submit the language certificate of English within the validity period: CEFR C1 Level, TOEFL (iBT)79 or above, IELTS 6.0 or above

  • 提交申请
  1. ZIBS研究生海外交流项目申请表(附件一)
  2. 英文个人简历;
  3. 英语水平证明材料(有效期内);
  4. 个人成绩单
   将上述文件按照顺序汇总成一份PDF文件,发送至xinyuefeng@intl.zju.edu.cn ,文件及邮箱命名格式:申请人姓名+ 学号+剑桥交换项目 
  • 筛选面试(按需)

[ 最终能否参加海外学习将根据对方院校录取结果及学校、国家最新海外出访政策而定。]

Application Process
  • Submit Application
  1. ZIBS Exchange Program Application form Attachment 1)
  2. English Resume
  3. English certification  (within the validity period)
  4. Personal transcript
      Please save the above documents into a PDF file and send it to xinyuefeng@intl.zju.edu.cn  in the following format:
       Name + student ID + Cambridge program
  • Interview (on demand)
  • The  interview will be arranged according to the application information. Please note to the follow-up notice
  • [ The admission results are determined based on the admission results of ESCP and the latest overseas visit policies. ]

学校及学院简介/Cambridge University &  Fitzwilliam College
剑桥大学于1209年建校,是世界历史上最知名的学府。菲兹威廉学院(Fitzwilliam College)是大学的31个构成学院之一,享有很高的学术声誉,曾培育了多位诺贝尔奖得主,包括Sir Charles Scott Sherrington (1932年诺贝尔药学奖得主,研究神经元功能)、Albert Szent-Györgyi(1937年诺贝尔药学奖得主,研究维生素)、César Milstein(1984年诺贝尔药学奖得主,研究单克隆抗体)、Joseph Stiglitz(2001年诺贝尔经济学奖得主,研究自由市场)、Angus Deaton(2015年诺贝尔经济学奖得主,研究消费、贫困和福利)等。
Founded in 1209, the University of Cambridge is the most famous university in the history of world. Fitzwilliam College, one of the 31 colleges of the University, enjoys a high academic reputation and has captivated several Nobel Prize winners, including Sir Charles Scott Sherrington (1932 Nobel Prize for Pharmacy, studying in the function of neurons), Albert Szent-Gyorgyi (1937 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his study on vitamins), Cesar Milstein (1984 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his study on monoclonal antibodies), Joseph Stiglitz (2001 Nobel Prize in Economicsstudying in Free markets), Angus Deaton (winner of the 2015 Nobel Prize in Economics for his research on consumption, poverty, and welfare), and others.


附件/Attachment 浙江大学国际联合商学院对外交流申请表ZIBS International Exchange Application form.pdf