LUO Lingli

LUO Lingli

Assistant Professor iMFA Program Director

Dr. LUO Lingli is an Assistant Professor of Strategic Management at ZIBS. She has received her PhD from University of New South Wales. Within the area of strategic management, her research interests are focused on behavioral strategy, organizational aspirations, status and reputation. She has published in the Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Business Ethics, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, among others. She has led several projects, including those funded by the National Natural Science Foundation. Her research has ever received Young Scholar Award for Research Excellence in Philosophy and Social Science in Zhejiang Province. She also serves as an editorial board member of the Asia Pacific Journal of Management and the Australian Journal of Management.


    • 07/2019, PhD in Management, University of New South Wales

    • 11/2015, MPhil in Management, Chinese University of Hong Kong

    • 06/2013, MPhil in Business Administration, Wuhan University

    • 06/2011, BM in Management, Central South University

Work Experience

    • 09/2022 – Present, Assistant Professor of Management, Zhejiang University

    • 07/2019 – 08/2022, Assistant Professor, Zhejiang Gongshang University


Journal Articles

Lingli Luo* & George Shinkle. 2024. Environmental context and organizational aspiration. Journal of Management Studies, DOI: 10.1111/joms.13049.

Lingli Luo, Xufei Ma*, Shige Makino, & George Shinkle. 2020. Cluster status and new venture creation. Journal of Business Venturing, 35(5), p.105985.

Meng Zhao, Xufei Ma, Sam Park, & Lingli Luo*. 2023. Attention-based constraint to MNC co-evolution in China's changing stakeholder environment. Journal of Business Ethics, DOI: 10.1007/s10551-023-05433-w

Lingli Luo, Xufei Ma, & Zeyu Wang*, 2022. The moderate-reputation trap: Evidence from a Chinese cross-border business-to-business e-commerce portal. Forthcoming. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 39, 395–432.

Megan Yuan Li, Shige Makino, Lingli Luo* & Chunyan Jiang, 2022. Entrepreneurial passion and organizational innovation: The moderating effects of events and the competence to exploit events. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, DOI: 10.1007/s10490-022-09853-6

Qin Su, Lingli Luo*, Dora Lau, & Bart de Jong. 2022. United or divided? Entrepreneurial passion and faultlines in new venture teams. Journal of Small Business Management. DOI: 10.1080/00472778.2021.2010086

Lingli Luo, Xueyuan Liu*, Xiande Zhao, & Barbara Flynn. 2023. The impact of supply chain quality leadership on supply chain quality integration and quality performance. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. 28(3), 508-521.

Conference Papers

Lingli Luo, Feifei Yang, Zeyu Wang, Jingyi Wang, & Dapeng Li. 2020. Signals from founders to funders: entrepreneurial goals in crowdfunding. The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Online

Meng Zhao, Sam Park, & Lingli Luo. 2020. Victor or victim: the dynamic advantage of MNCs' stakeholder approval capability. The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Online

Jingyi Wang, George Shinkle, & Lingli Luo. 2020. Strategic social comparisons: how historical performance influences reference group selection. The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Online

Jingyi Wang, George Shinkle, & Lingli Luo. 2019. Toward a theory of reference group determination: Longitudinal influences of organizations’ historical performance comparisons. Strategic Management Society Special Conference, Frankfurt, German.

Lingli Luo, & George Shinkle. 2018. Opportunity or threat? Organizational aspiration determination in an environmental jolt. The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, Illinois, United States, August 2018. Best Paper Proceedings.

Lingli Luo, & George Shinkle. 2018. The contingent role of environmental context in organizations’ aspiration determination. The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, Illinois, United States, August 2018.

Feifei Yang, George Shinkle, Hang Zhao, & Lingli Luo. 2018. Polychronicity in managing multiple goals: the effect of control formalization and control flexibility. The International Association of Chinese Management Research, Wuhan, Hubei, China, 2018

Lingli Luo, & George Shinkle. 2018. Aspiration determination under varying environmental conditions: An attention-based view. The International Association of Chinese Management Research, Wuhan, Hubei, China, 2018.

Qin Su, Lingli Luo, & Dora Lau. 2018. Faultline and entrepreneurial passion in start-up teams. The International Association of Chinese Management Research, Wuhan, Hubei, China, 2018.

George Shinkle, Mirjam Goudsmit, Feifei Yang, & Lingli Luo. 2017. Antecedents of organizational aspirations: Attention to the future, past, and situational context. The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia, United States, August 2017. Best Paper Proceedings.

Zeyu Wang, & Lingli Luo. 2017. The moderate-reputation trap: Evidence from cross-border business-to-business e-commerce portals. The Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Dubai, June 2017.

Qin Su, Lingli Luo, & Dora Lau. 2016. Predicting start-up success: Taking a team compositional approach. The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, California, United States, August 2016.

Lingli Luo, Xufei Ma, & Shige Makino. 2016. Community status and new organizational founding. The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, California, United States, August 2016.

Lingli Luo, Xufei Ma, & Shige Makino. 2015. Social and instrumental antecedents of firms’ innovation within the subnational regions: Evidence from China’s tire industry. The Asia Academy of Management Conference, Hong Kong, June 2015.

Lingli Luo. 2014. Initial location strategies and the consequent dynamics: Competition and cooperation between foreign and domestic firms. The Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, June 2014.

Research Grants

Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China, Research on the Impact of Performance Feedback and Digital Transformation on Corporate Carbon Performance under the Background of the 'Dual Carbon' Goals, PI, 2024-2026

Zhejiang Provincial Philosophy and Social Sciences Planning Project Special Project, Research on the Internal Mechanism and Implementation Path of the Digital Transformation of Zhejiang's Manufacturing Industry Clusters, PI, 2024

The Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, “Organizational aspirations, opportunity and threat perceptions, and corporate innovation during environmental crises”, PI, 2024-2026

Research Interests

    • Behavioral strategy

    • Organisational aspirations

    • Status and reputation

Teaching Courses

    • International Business Management

    • Marketing Management

Awards & Honors

    • 12/2021, Young Scholar Award for Research Excellence in Philosophy and Social Science, Zhejiang Province

    • 08/2018, Best paper proceedings, The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management

    • 08/2017, Best paper proceedings, The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management

    • 07/2012, Best Track Paper Award, Joint Conference of the 6th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management & the 9th International Conference on Supply Chain Management and Information Systems