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Thai Youth Delegation China Module @ZIBS

Source: ZIBS Author: Time: 2023-12-26 Visitors: 0


On December 12, the Thai Youth Delegation China Module at ZIBS was successfully held. It was jointly sponsored by the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries(CPAFFC) and ZIBS. The King Prajadhipok's Institute of Thailand organized and led 42 young Thai entrepreneurs, as well as faculty and students from universities such as Chiang Mai University, Thammasat University, and Kasetsart University of Thailand, to come to ZIBS and participate in a lecture on "Governance of China by Xi Jinping" delivered by FANG Qigang, special researcher of the Advisory Committee of the CPC Hangzhou Municipal Committee and Municipal Government. The delegation also learned about the development of ZIBS and visited the Zhejiang University International Campus.





Before the lecture, LIU Yizhe, manager of international EEP of ZIBS Executive Education Center (EEC), introduced the development of ZIBS to all the attendees including GUO Ning, second-level inspector of the East Asian Work Department of the CPAFFC; XU Yiyi, deputy division-level director of the East Asian Work Department of the CPAFFC, and members of the Thai youth delegation.




FANG Qigang shared his insights on "Governance of China by Xi Jinping" in three aspects: the concept of putting the people first, the concept of taking development as the central task, and the concept of a global community of shared future. Through FANG Qigang's lecture, the Thai youth delegation gained a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of various aspects of China. A number of ZIBS students also participated in this lecture. After the lecture, many actively engaged in exchanges with Fang Qigang and expressed good wishes for the future of the two countries, especially in the hands of the young generations.




In the session following the lecture, members of the Thai youth delegation and ZIBS students enjoyed a lively discussion, sharing their learning and life experiences as well as the unique culture of their countries. The youngsters established friendships through face-to-face communications. Thai youth representatives were amazed by China's achievements in the development of the new era and appreciated ZIBS for providing the learning opportunity. They were willing to continue to strengthen communication, exchange, and mutual learning with ZIBS students.




Last November, Chairman Xi visited Thailand. Leaders of both countries reached an important consensus, "China and Thailand are like brothers". The foundation of China-Thailand relations lies in the people, and the future lies in the youth. As a Technology-Focused Premier Global Business School from China, ZIBS has provided a distinctively characterized ZIBS module for the Thai youth delegation and will contribute its strength as a university with the power of the youth to the brotherhood of China and Thailand. The East Asian Work Department of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries has also sent a letter of appreciation to ZIBS recently.




The Zhejiang University International Business School Executive Education Center (ZIBS-EEC) provides technology-focused, innovative, globalized, and uniquely branded high-end Executive Education Programs (EEP), as well as China Modules at ZIBS for overseas university faculty and students, for domestic and foreign government management cadres, entrepreneurs, middle and senior managers of China's banking industry and other financial institutions, and university management teams. We organize programs for various domestic ZIBS bases and overseas centers with the option of using sub-brands including Hi Academy, Qianjiang Business School, etc. The Thai Youth Delegation China Module at ZIBS was jointly organized by the ZIBS Executive Education Center, the ZIBS Student Affairs Department, and the ZIBS International Division.