Ph.D., 09/2008 - 01/2013, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
B.S., 08/2004 - 07/2008, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Deputy Director, Innovative Applications Center for Digital Transportation 09/2021 - Present Alibaba-Zhejiang University Joint Institute of Frontier Technologies (AZFT)
Deputy Director 07/2021 - Present Zhejiang Provincial Engineering Research Center for Intelligent Transportation
Tenured Full Professor 01/2021 - Present College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University
Vice Dean of Zhejiang University-UIUC Institute 05/2022 - Present College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University
“Hundred Talents Program” Professor, Principal Investigator 03/2015 - 12/2020 Institute of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Zhejiang University
Assistant Director of Research and Education 10/2013 - 02/2015 U.S. Department of Transportation, University Transportation Centers Program National Transportation Center @ Maryland (NTC)
Research Associate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 07/2014 - 02/2015 University of Maryland, College Park Advisor: Dr. Lei Zhang, Professor
Faculty Research Assistant, Transportation Engineering Program (TEP) 01/2013 - 06/2014 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park
1. Zhu, Z., Xu, M., Di, Y., Chen, X.*, Yu, J., 2023. Modeling ride-sourcing matching and pickup processes based on additive Gaussian process models. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, in press.
2. Zhu, J., Xie, N., Cai, Z., Tang, W., Chen, X.*, 2022. A comprehensive review of shared mobility for sustainable transportation systems. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, in press.
3. Wan, Y., Xie, C.*, Waller, T., Xu, M., Chen, X., 2022. On the primal and dual formulations of traffic assignment problems with perception stochasticity and demand elasticity. Transportation Letters, in press.
4. Xie, C.*, Hou, J., Zhang, T., Waller, T., Chen, X., 2022. Modeling and evaluating the impact of electricity price on commute network flows of battery electric vehicles. Transportation Letters, in press.
5. Ni, L., Wang, X., Chen, X., Zhang, D.*, 2023. Analyzing time-varying trip distributions with a random-effect spatial OD dependence model. PLOS One, 18(1), e0280162.
6. Zhu, Z., Xu, M., Ke, J., Yang, H., Chen, X.*, 2023. A Bayesian clustering ensemble Gaussian process model for network-wide traffic flow clustering and prediction. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 148, 104032.
7. Yu, J., Mo, D., Zhu, Z., Chen, X.*, 2023. A high-order hidden Markov model for dynamic decision analysis of multi-homing ride-sourcing drivers. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 148, 104031.
8. Xu, M., Di, Y., Yang, H., Chen, X., Zhu, Z.*, 2023. Multi-task supply-demand prediction and reliability analysis for docked bike-sharing systems via transformer-encoder-based neural processes. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 147, 104015.
9. Liu, J., Li, J., Chen, Y., Lian, S., Zeng, J., Geng, M., Zheng, S., Dong, Y., He, Y., Huang, P., Zhao, Z., Yan, X., Hu, Q., Wang, L., Yang, D., Zhu, Z., Sun, Y., Shang, W., Wang, D., Zhang, L., Hu, S., Chen, X.*, 2023. Multi-scale urban passenger transportation CO2 emission calculation platform for smart mobility management. Applied Energy, 331, 120407.
10. Cai, Z., Mo, D., Geng, M., Tang, W., Chen, X.*, 2023. Integrating ride-sourcing with electric vehicle charging under mixed fleets and differentiated services. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 169, 102965.
11. Zhan, X., Szeto, W. Y.*, Chen, X., 2022. The dynamic ride-hailing sharing problem with multiple vehicle types and user classes. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 168, 102891.
12. Xie, N., Liu, Z., Chen, X.*, Li, S., 2022. Fair assignment for reserved nucleic acid testing. Sustainability, 14(18), 11752.
13. Ke, J., Chen, X.*, Yang, H., Li S., 2022. Coordinating supply and demand in ride-sourcing markets with pre-assigned pooling service and traffic congestion externality. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 166, 102887.
14. Di, Y., Xu, M., Yang, H., Chen, X., Zhu, Z.*, 2022. Analysis of ride-sourcing drivers’ working pattern(s) via spatiotemporal work slices: A case study in Hangzhou. Transport Policy, 125, 336– 351.
15. Chen, Y., Chen, X.*, 2022. A novel reinforced dynamic graph convolutional network model with data imputation for network-wide traffic flow prediction. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 143, 103820.
16. Li, J., Xie, N., Zhang, K., Guo, F., Hu, S., Chen, X.*, 2022. Network-scale traffic prediction via knowledge transfer and regional MFD analysis. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 141, 103719.
17. Zhang, J., Mo, D., Chen, X.*, 2022. Analyzing ride-sourcing market equilibrium and its transitions with heterogeneous users. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 5894250.
18. Wang, D., Cai, Z., Cui, Y., Chen, X.*, 2022. Nonnegative tensor decomposition for urban mobility analysis and applications with mobile phone data. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 18(1), 29–53.
19. Liu, J., Ong, G.*, Chen, X.*, 2022. GraphSAGE based traffic speed forecasting for road segment network with sparse data. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(3), 1755– 1766.
20. Xu, M., Di, Y., Zhu, Z.*, Yang, H., Chen, X., 2022. Designing van-based mobile battery swapping and rebalancing services for dockless ebike-sharing systems based on the dueling double deep Qnetwork. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 138, 103620.
21. Tang, W., Wang, H., Wang, Y., Chen, C., Chen, X.*, 2022. A bi-level optimization model for ride-sourcing platform’s spatial pricing strategy. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 9120129.
22. Zhan, X., Szeto, W. Y.*, Chen, X., 2022. A simulation-optimization framework for a dynamic electric ride-hailing sharing problem with a novel charging strategy. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 159, 102615.
23. Mo, D., Chen, X.*, Zhang, J., 2022. Modeling and managing mixed on-demand ride services of human-driven vehicles and autonomous vehicles. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 157, 80–119.
24. Yu, J., Xie, N., Zhu, J., Qian, Y., Zheng, S., Chen, X.*, 2022. Exploring impacts of COVID-19 on city-wide taxi and ride-sourcing markets: Evidence from Ningbo, China. Transport Policy, 115, 220–238.
25. Chen, X., Zheng, H., Wang, Z., Chen, X.*, 2021. Exploring impacts of on-demand ridesplitting on mobility via real-world ridesourcing data and questionnaires. Transportation, 48, 1541–1561.
26. Ni, L., Chen, C., Wang, X., Chen, X.*, 2021. Modeling network equilibrium of competitive ridesourcing market with heterogeneous transportation network companies. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 130, 103277.
27. Chen, C., Yao, F., Mo, D., Zhu, J., Chen, X.*, 2021. Spatial-temporal pricing for ride-sourcing platform with reinforcement learning. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 130, 103272.
28. Chen, C., Hu, S., Ochieng, W., Xie, N., Chen, X.*, 2021. Understanding city-wide ride-sourcing travel flow: A geographically weighted regression approach. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 9929622.
29. Chen, X., Chen, X., Zheng, H., Xiao, F.*, 2021. Efficient dispatching for on-demand ride services: Systematic optimization via Monte-Carlo tree search. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 127, 103156.
30. Zhan, X., Szeto, W. Y.*, Shui, C. S., Chen, X., 2021. A modified artificial bee colony algorithm for the dynamic ride-hailing sharing problem. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 150, 102124.
31. Yu, J., Mo, D., Xie, N., Hu, S., Chen, X.*, 2021. Exploring multi-homing behavior of ride-sourcing drivers via real-world multiple platforms data. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 80, 61–78.
32. Yu, H., Jiang, R., He, Z.*, Zheng, Z.*, Li, L.*, Liu, R., Chen, X.*, 2021. Automated vehicleinvolved traffic flow studies: A survey of assumptions, models, speculations, and perspectives. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 127, 103101.
33. Zhu, Z., Sun, L., Chen, X.*, Yang, H., 2021. Integrating probabilistic tensor factorization with Bayesian supervised learning for dynamic ridesharing pattern analysis. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 124, 102916.
34. Shen, L., Shao, Z., Yu, Y., Chen, X.*, 2021. Short-term forecasting of metro transit passenger flows: A hybrid approach combining modified gravity model and deep learning. Journal of Transportation Research Board: Transportation Research Record, 2675(1), 25–38
35. Zhang, S., Zhou, L., Chen, X.*, Zhang, L., Li, L.*, Li, M., 2020. Network-wide traffic speed forecasting: 3D convolutional neural network with ensemble empirical mode decomposition. ComputerAided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 35(10), 1132–1147.
36. Zhou, L., Zhang, S., Yu, J., Chen, X.*, 2020. Spatial-temporal deep tensor neural networks for large-scale urban network speed prediction. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 21(9), 3718–3729.
37. Mo, D., Yu, J., Chen, X.*, 2020. Modeling and managing heterogeneous ride-sourcing platforms with government subsidies on electric vehicles. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 139, 447–472.
38. Yao, F., Zhu, J., Yu, J., Chen, C., Chen, X.*, 2020. Hybrid operations of human-driving vehicles and automated vehicles with data-driven agent-based simulation. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 86, 102469.
39. Yu, J., Tang, C. S., Shen, Z. M., Chen, X.*, 2020. A balancing act of regulating on-demand ride services. Management Science, 66(7), 2975–2992.
40. Chen, X., Zheng, H., Ke, J., Yang, H., 2020. Dynamic optimization strategies for on-demand ride services platform: Surge pricing, commission rate, and incentives. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 138, 23–45.
41. Xiong, C., Yang, D.*, Ma, J., Chen, X.*, Zhang, L., 2020. Measuring and enhancing the transferability of Hidden Markov Models for dynamic travel behavioral analysis. Transportation, 47, 585–605.
42. Ding, Z., Dai, Z., Chen, X.*, Jiang, R.*, 2020. Simulating on-demand ride services in a Manhattanlike urban network considering traffic dynamics. Physica A, 545, 123621.
43. Li, L., Jiang, R., He, Z.*, Chen, X.*, Zhou, X.*, 2020. Trajectory data-based traffic flow studies: A revisit. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 114, 225-240.
44. Zhan, X., Zhang, S., Szeto, W. Y., Chen, X.*, 2019. Multi-step-ahead traffic speed forecasting using multi-output gradient boosting regression tree. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 24(2), 125–141.
45. Yu, J., Stettler, M., Angeloudis, P., Hu, S., Chen, X.*, 2020. Urban network-wide traffic speed estimation with massive ride-sourcing GPS traces. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 112, 136-152.
46. Zahiri, M., Liu, J., Chen, X.*, 2019. A new approach in efficiency and sustainability of taxi industry. Sustainability, 11(18), 4944.
47. Ke, J., Yang, H., Zheng, H., Chen, X.*, Jia, Y., Gong, P., Ye, J., 2019. Hexagon-based convolutional neural network for supply-demand forecasting of ride-sourcing services. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 20(11), 4160–4173.
48. Wang, S., Li, L.*, Ma, W.*, Chen, X., 2019. Trajectory analysis for on-demand services: A survey focusing on spatio-temporal demand and supply patterns. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 108, 74–99..
49. Wang, Z., Chen, X., Chen, X.*, 2019. Ridesplitting is shaping young peoples travel behavior: Evidence from comparative survey via ride-sourcing platform. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 75, 57–71.
50. Bai, J., So, K. C., Tang, C., Chen, X., Wang, H., 2019. Coordinating supply and demand on an on-demand service platform with impatient customers. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 21(3), 556–570.
51. Liu, J., Han, K., Chen, X.*, Ong, G. P., 2019. Spatial-temporal inference of urban traffic emissions based on taxi trajectories and multi-source urban data. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 106, 145–165.
52. Ke, J., Cen, X., Yang, H., Chen, X.*, Ye, J., 2019. Modelling drivers’ working and recharging schedules in a ride-sourcing market with electric vehicles and gasoline vehicles. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 125, 160–180.
53. Chen, X., Zhang, S., Li, L.*, 2019. Multi-model ensemble for short-term traffic flow prediction under normal and abnormal conditions. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 13(2), 260–268.
54. Ke, J., Zhang, S., Yang, H., Chen, X.*, 2019. PCA-based missing information imputation for realtime crash likelihood prediction under imbalanced data. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 15(2), 872–895.
55. Zhu, Z., Chen, X.*, Zhang, X., Zhang, L., 2019. Probabilistic data fusion for short-term traffic prediction with semiparametric density ratio model. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 20(7), 2459–2469.
56. Chen, X., Zhang, S., Li, L.*, Li, L., 2019. Adaptive rolling smoothing with heterogeneous data for traffic state estimation and prediction. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 20(4), 1247–1258.
57. Zhou, L., Chen, X.*, 2019. Bayesian network for red-light-running prediction at signalized intersections. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(2), 120–132.
58. Zheng, H., Chen, X., Chen, X.*, 2019. How does on-demand ridesplitting influence vehicle use and purchase willingness? A case study in Hangzhou, China. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 11(3), 143–157.
59. Zhu, Z., Tang, L., Xiong, C., Chen, X., Zhang L.*, 2019. The conditional probability of travel speed and its application to short-term prediction. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 7(1), 684–706.
60. Chen, X., He, X., Xiong, C., Zhu, Z., Zhang L.*, 2019. A Bayesian stochastic Kriging optimization model dealing with heteroscedastic simulation noise for freeway traffic management. Transportation Science, 53(2), 545–565.
61. Zhu, Z., Xiong, C., Chen, X.*, Zhang, L.*, 2018. Integrating mesoscopic dynamic traffic assignment with agent-based travel behavior models for cumulative land development impact analysis. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 93, 446–462.
62. Chen, X., Chen, C., Ni, L., Li, L.*, 2018. Spatial visitation prediction of on-demand ride services using the scaling law. Physica A, 508, 84–94.
63. Zhu, Z., Xiong, C., Chen, X.*, Zhang, L., 2018. Calibrating supply parameters of large-scale DTA models with surrogate-based optimisation. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 12(7), 642–650.
64. Ni, L., Wang, X.C., Chen, X.*, 2018. A spatial econometric model for travel flow analysis and real-world applications with massive mobile phone data. Transportation Research Part C, 86, 510– 526.
65. Zahiri, M., Chen, X., 2018. Measuring the passenger car equivalent of small cars and SUVs in rainy and sunny days. Journal of Transportation Research Board: Transportation Research Record, 2672(31), 110-119.
66. Xiong, C., Zhu, Z., Chen, X., Zhang, L.*, 2018. Optimal travel information provision strategies: an agent-based approach under uncertainty. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 6(2), 129– 150.
67. Zhu, Z., Xiong, C., Chen, X., Zhang, L.*, 2017. A mixed Bayesian network for two-dimensional decision modeling of departure time and mode choice. Transportation, doi:10.1007/s11116-017- 9770-6.
68. Li, M., Chen, X.*, Lin, X., Xu, D., Wang, Y., 2018. Connected vehicle based dynamic all-red extension for adaptive signalized intersections. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 22(3), 229–243.
69. Chen, X., Zhang, L.*, Xiong, C., He, X., Zhu, Z., 2017. Simulation-based pricing optimization for improving network-wide travel time reliability. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 14(1–2), 155–176.
70. Ke, J., Zheng, H., Yang, H., Chen, X., 2017. Short-term forecasting of passenger demand under On-demand ride services: A spatio-temporal deep learning approach. Transportation Research Part C, 85, 591–608. Page
71. Chen, X., Chen, X., Zheng, H., Chen, C., 2017. Understanding network travel time reliability with on-demand ride service data. Frontiers of Engineering Management, 4(4), 388-398.
72. Jiang, Z., Chen, X.*, Ouyang, Y., 2017. Traffic state and emission estimation for urban expressways based on heterogeneous data. Transportation Research Part D, 53, 440–453.
73. Cai, Z., Wang, D., Chen, X.*, 2017. A novel trip coverage index for transit accessibility assessment using mobile phone data. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 9754508.
74. Li, L., Chen, X.*, 2017. Vehicle headway modeling and its inferences in macroscopic/microscopic traffic flow theory: A survey. Transportation Research Part C, 76, 170–188.
75. Chen, X.*, Zahiri, M., Zhang, S., 2017. Understanding ridesplitting behavior of on-demand ride services: An ensemble learning approach. Transportation Research Part C,
76, 51–70. 76. Jiang, X., Lu, W., Xie, Y., Yue, Y., Chen, X.*, 2017. Competition between high-speed rail and airline based on game theory. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 1748691.
77. Li, M., Lin, X., Chen, X.*, 2017. A surrogate-based optimization algorithm for network design problems. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 18(11), 1693–1704..
78. He, X., Chen, X.*, Xiong, C., Zhu, Z., Zhang, L.*, 2016. Optimal time-varying pricing for toll roads under multiple objectives: A simulation-based optimization approach. Transportation Science, 51(2), 412–426.
79. Li, L., Chen, X.*, Li, Z., Zhang, L., 2016. A global optimization algorithm for trajectory data based car-following model calibration. Transportation Research Part C, 68, 311–332.
80. Chen, X., Xiong, C., He, X., Zhu, Z., Zhang, L.*, 2016. Time-of-day vehicle mileage fees for congestion mitigation and revenue generation: A multi-objective simulation-based optimization method and its real-world application. Transportation Research Part C, 63, 71–95.
81. Li, M., Chen, X.*, Ni, W., 2016. An extended generalized filter algorithm for urban expressway traffic time estimation based on heterogeneous data. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 20(5), 474–484.
82. Xiong, C., Chen, X., He, X., Lin, X., Zhang, L.*, 2016. Agent-based en-route diversion simulation: Dynamic behavioral responses and network performance represented by macroscopic fundamental diagram. Transportation Research Part C, 64, 148–163
83. Chu, C., Xie, N.*, Chen, X., Wu, Y., Sun, X., 2016. Temporal-spatial analysis of traffic congestion based on modified CTM. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 136102.
84. Chen, X., Zhu, Z., He, X., Zhang, L.*, 2015. Surrogate-based optimization for solving mixed integer network design problem. Transportation Research Record, 2497, 124–136. .
85. Chen, X., Zhu, Z., Zhang, L.*, 2015. Simulation-based optimization of mixed road pricing policies in a large real-world network. Transportation Research Procedia, 8, 215–226.
86. Xiong, C., Chen, X., He, X., Guo, W., Zhang, L.*, 2015. The analysis of dynamic travel mode choice: A heterogeneous hidden Markov approach. Transportation, 42(6), 985–1002.
87. Xiong, C., Zhu, Z., He, X., Chen, X., Mahapatra, S., Chang, G.-L., Zhang, L.*, 2015. Developing a 24-hour large-scale microscopic traffic simulation model for the before-and-after study of a new tolled freeway in the Washington DC-Baltimore region. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 141(6), 05015001.
88. Zhu, Z., Xiong, C., Chen, X., He, X., Zhang, L.*, 2015. n agent-based microsimulation approach for the design and evaluation of flexible work schedule policy. Transportation Research Record, accepted.
89. Jiang, X.*, Chen, X., Zhang, L., Zhang, R., 2015. ynamic demand forecasting and ticket assignment for high speed rail revenue management in China. Transportation Research Record, 2475, 37–45.
90. Wang, Z., Chen, X., Ouyang, Y., Li, M.*, 2015. Intelligent vehicle longitudinal control in carfollowing: An emission optimization approach. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 30(6), 490–506
91. Chen, X., Zhang, L.*, He, X., Xiong, C., Li, Z., 2014. Surrogate-based optimization of expensiveto-evaluate objective for optimal highway toll charges in transportation network. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 29(5), 359–381.
92. Jiang, X.*, Zhang, L., Chen, X., 2014. Short-term forecasting of high speed rail demand: A hybrid approach combining ensemble empirical mode decomposition and gray support vector machine with real-world applications in China. Transportation Research Part C, 44, 110–127.
93. Li, L., Chen, X.*, Zhang, L., 2014. Multimodel ensemble for freeway traffic state estimations. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 15(3), 1323–1336.
94. Chen, X., Li, M.*, Jiang, H., Li, Z., 2014. Investigations of interactions between bus rapid transit and general traffic flows. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 49(3), 326–340.
95. Chen, X., Li, Z., Li, L.*, 2014. A traffic breakdown model based on queueing theory. Networks and Spatial Economics, 14(3-4), 485–504.
96. Chen, X., Yin, M., Song, M., Zhang, L., Li M.*, 2014. Social welfare maximization of multimodal urban transportation systems using metamodel: A simulation study of Tianjin Eco-City in China. Transportation Research Record, 2451, 36–49.
97. Chen, X., Li, Z., Li, L.*, Shi, Q., 2014. Characterizing scattering features in flow-density plots using a stochastic platoon model. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 10(9), 820–845.
98. Li, L., Chen, X.*, Li, Z., Zhang, L., 2014. Freeway travel-time estimation based on temporalspatial queueing model. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 14(3), 1536– 1541.
99. Li, L.*,Chen, X., Li, Z., 2013. Asymmetric stochastic Tau theory in car-following. Transportation Research Part F, 18, 21–33.
100. Chen, X., Li, L.*, Li, Z., 2012. Phase diagram analysis based on a temporal-spatial queueing model. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 13(4), 1705–1716.
101. Yin, S., Chen, X., Li, M.*, Shi, Q., Li, Z., 2012. Evaluation of accident induced indirect costs for measuring penalties on violations of laws. Transportation Research Record, 2317, 111–120..
102. Fang, J.*, Qin, Z., Chen, X., Xu, Z., Jiang, Z., 2012. Decentralized cooperation strategies in twodimensional traffic of cellular automata. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 58(6), 883–890.
103. Fang, J.*, Qin, Z., Chen, X., Leng, B., Xu, Z., 2012. Jamming transition of point-to-point traffic through cooperative mechanisms. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 23(11), 1250077.
104. Chen, X., Li, L.*, Zhang, Y., 2010. A Markov model for headway/spacing distribution of road traffic. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 11(4), 773–785.
105. Chen, X.*, Shi, J., Xie, W., Shi, Q., 2010. Perturbation and stability analysis of the multianticipative intelligent driver model. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 21(5), 647–668.
106. Chen, X., Li, L.*, Jiang, R., Yang, X., 2010. On the intrinsic concordance between the wide scattering feature of synchronized flow and the empirical spacing distributions. Chinese Physics Letter, 27(7), 074501.
107. Fang, J.*, Shi, J., Chen, X., Qin, Z., 2010. A two-dimensional CA traffic model with dynamic route choices between residence and workplace. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 21(2), 221–237.
108. Chen, X., Shi, Q., Li, L.*, 2010. Location specific cell transmission model for freeway traffic. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 15(4), 475–480.
109. Chen, X.*, Qian, Y., Mo, D., 2023. Collaborative optimization of charging piles and price for electric vehicle charging platform. Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science), in press. (In Chinese)
110. Chen, X.*, Zhu, Y., Lv, C., 2023. Signal phase and timing optimization method for intersection based on hybrid proximal policy optimization. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, in press. (In Chinese)
111. Chen, X.*, Cao, Z., Mo, D., 2022. Analyzing error bounds of highway traffic state estimation via Kalman filter fusion. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, 22(4), 72–78. (In Chinese)
112. Chen, Q., Lv, B.*, Chen, X., 2022. Impacts of built environment on competition and cooperation relationship between taxi and subway considering spatial heterogeneity. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, 22(3), 25–35. (In Chinese)
113. Lei, J., Tang, W., Wang, Z., Sun, J., Chen, X.*, 2022. A model of users willingness-to-pay of airport hub parking lot. Transport Research, 8(2), 39–48. (In Chinese)
114. Chen, X.*, Cao, Z., Shen, L., Li, J., 2021. Short-term traffic-state prediction of urban road networks based on the fusion of a link-transmission model and deep learning. China Journal of Highway and Transport, 34(12), 203–216. (In Chinese)
115. Chen, X.*, 2021. Review of App-based ridesharing mobility research. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, 21(5), 77–90. (In Chinese)
116. Liu, P.*, Liu, Z., Tian, Q., Jia, B., Chen, X., 2021. Urban multi-modal transportation supply and demand equilibrium mechanism and simulation systems. China Basic Science, 23(1), 57–66. (In Chinese)
117. Chen, X.*, Zhou, L., Cao, Z., 2020. Short-term network-wide traffic prediction based on graph convolutional network. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, 20(4), 49–55. (In Chinese)
118. Chen, X.*, Liu, J., Hu, H., Cui, E., Zhang, S., 2018. Evaluation method and influence factors of network travel time reliability. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 18(4), 132–142. (In Chinese)
119. Zhang S., Zhu Y., Chen, X.*, 2018. Characteristic of macroscopic fundamental diagrams based on mobile sensing data. Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science), 52(7), 1338–1344. (In Chinese)
120. Ni, L., Zhang, S., Chen, X.*, 2017. Influence factors and spatial effect of urban travel based on cellular signaling data. Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science), 51(5), 887–895. (In Chinese)
121. Chen, X.*, Yang, X., Li, L., Shi, Q., 2010. Anticipative and adaptive extension of cell transmission model based on intelligent transportation system information. Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 27(12), 1591–1597. (In Chinese)
122. Chen, X.*, Li, R., 2007. Traffic signal control optimization strategy based on simulation. Computer and Communications, 25(5), 17–20. (In Chinese)
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Worlds Top 2% Scientists, Category of Logistics and Transportation, Stanford University 2022
Teaching Advanced Award, College of Civil Engineering and Architecture Education Fund, Zhejiang University 2021
Second Prize of Teaching Achievement (4/9), Zhejiang Province, “Training of civil engineering graduate students under the background of globalization internationalization promotion” 2021
Frist Prize of Teaching Achievement (4/9), Zhejiang University, “Civil engineering graduate students international practice system” 2021
Frist Prize of Teaching Achievement (6/8), Zhejiang University, “New civil engineering research and practice of college students training” 2021
Best Paper Award, The 12nd International Workshop on Comput. Transport. Sci. 2021
Awardee, Science and Technology Innovation Award for Youth, China Communications and Transportation Association 2021
Awardee, Excellent Teaching Case of Master of Engineering, Zhejiang University 2020
First Prize, Excellent Practice Achievement of Master of Engineering, Zhejiang University 2020
Best Paper Award, National Conference on Supply Chain and Operation Management 2019
Best Paper Award, The 11th International Workshop on Comput. Transport. Sci. 2019
Best Paper Award, The 9th International Workshop on Comput. Transport. Sci. 2017
First Prize, College of Supply Chain Management Student Paper Competition, Annual POMS Conference 2017
Best Ph.D. Dissertation Award of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society 2013
Tsinghua Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation Award, Beijing, China 2013 • Beijing Outstanding Graduate, Beijing, China 2013
Best Paper Award of The Sixth International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics 2013
Ranked First of Dept. of Civil Engineering, Beijing Outstanding PhD Graduates 2013
First Prize, Nationtional Graduate Scholarship for Ph.D. Students 2012
First Prize, ranked Fourth in more than 400 graduate students of Dept. of Civil Engineering Friends of Tsinghua – China National Petroleum Corporation Scholarship 2012
Second Prize, Southeastern Transportation Center Consortium Student Poster Competition 2012
Joint Ph.D. Student Scholarship with UC Berkeley, China Scholarship Council 2011
Ranked Second, Annual Outstanding Ph.D. Student of Dept. of Civil Engineering 2011
First Prize, ranked First in more than 400 graduate students of Dept. of Civil Engineering Friends of Tsinghua – China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation Scholarship 2010
Excellent Teaching Assistant, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University 2010
Golden Prize, Tsinghua Social Practice, volunteer tutor in High School, Liping, Guizhou 2006