DAI Xinzhu

DAI Xinzhu

Associate Professor

Dr. DAI Xinzhu, Associate Professor of ZIBS and Research Fellow of ZIBS Law & Finance Research Lab. Dr. Dai holds her Phd in Economics from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE) , and conducted post-doctoral research in management at Fudan University School of Management. Prior to Joining ZIBS, Dr. Dai served as a senior research fellow at Shanghai Gold Exchange.


08/2018 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Shanghai Gold Exchange & Fudan University

07/2016 PhD in Economics (Major: Law & Finance), Shanghai University Finance and Economics

06/2012 Master in Law (Major: Economic Law), Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

07/2009 Bachelor in Law, University of Anhui

Work Experience

07/2022 – Present, Associate Professor of Marketing, Zhejiang University

  • 01/2020 – Now Consultant, Financial Consumer Mediation Center of the People's Bank of China

  • 07/2020 – 07/2022 Executive Manager, Department of Research and Development, Shanghai Gold Exchange

  • 08/2018 – 07/2020 Senior Analyst, Department of Clearing, Shanghai Gold Exchange

  • 09/2012 – 09/2013 Visiting Scholar, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland


1.“Research on Remuneration in Financial Institutions” (China Finance Publishing House,2019)

Journal Publications
1.戴新竹,&王刚(2022).以《金融稳定法》立法为契机,推动完善我国金融基础设施法律框架. 发表于清华金融评论2022年第八期。
2.Miao, R. and Dai, X. (2022) Bank Regulation Based on Self-Assessment: Extension of an Equilibrium Model. Journal of Financial Risk Management, 11, 188-203.
3.戴新竹. (2021). 关于建立与绩效,风险相匹配薪酬追回机制的思考. 中国银行业(10), 3.
4.戴新竹. (2020). 中央对手方损失分担机制研究. 金融市场研究, 80(7), 10.
5.戴新竹, & 余滔. (2018). 完善我国黄金交易增值税政策的建议. 税务研究(3), 5.
6.戴新竹, & 蔡晓春. (2017). 构建以中央对手机制为主的黄金市场结算体系. 上海金融(11), 6(该研究成果获“上海市金融业改革发展优秀研究成果”二等奖)
7.戴新竹, & 黄洵. (2016). 税收征管语境下的电子发票应用. 税务研究(3), 5.
8.戴新竹. (2015). 金融机构薪酬监管:国际经验及启示. 南方金融(11), 6.
9.戴新竹. (2015). 我国资本弱化规则适用困境及应对. 税收经济研究,20(5), 5.
10.戴新竹. (2014). 欧盟金融交易税税制安排的解读及启示. 国际税收(11), 4.

Books as Key Writer
1.“An Introduction to Financial Trading” (China Finance Publishing House, 2021)
2.“An Introduction to Financial Inclusion” (China Finance Publishing House, 2021)
3. “Annual Report on China’s Financial Supervision and Regulation (2021)”, (Social Sciences Academic Press, 2021)

Research Interests

Global Financial Law and Regulation, 

Financial Market Infrastructures (FMIs) Management

Data Governance and Regulation

Taxation law

Teaching Courses

Financial Law and Regulation 

Financial Trading and Risk Management