WAN Feng

WAN Feng


Dr. WAN Feng is an Associate Professor of ZIBS. Prior to joining ZIBS, he has worked at Beijing Normal University and University of East Anglia. His research interests include innovation management, industrial clusters, and competitive strategies. He has published in Management International Review、Technovation、Technological Forecasting & Social Change, among others.


    • 10/2013, PhD in Management Studies, University of Cambridge

    • 10/2009, MPhil in Technology Policy, University of Cambridge

    • 07/1998, BSc in Computer Science, Beijing Jiaotong University

Work Experience

    • 09/2021 – Present, Associate Professor of Management, Zhejiang University

    • 09/2015 – 08/2021, Associate Professor of Business Strategy, University of East Anglia

    • 10/2013 – 08/2015, Lecturer in Management, Beijing Normal University


Journal Articles

Caleb T., Chi K., Eden Y., Wan, F.*, Jiao, H. 2021. R&D activities and innovation performance of MNE subsidiaries: The moderating effects of government support and entry mode, Technological Forecasting & Social Change. 166,120603. 

Wan, F. Williamson, P. & Pandit, N. 2020. MNE liability of foreignness versus local firm-specific advantages: the case of the Chinese software management industry, International Business Review. 29(1), 101623.

Williamson, P., Wan, F., Yin, E. & Lei, L. 2020. Is disruptive innovation in emerging economies different? Evidence from China. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management. 57, 101590.

Wan, F., Williamson, P. & Yin, E. 2019. Enabling cost innovation by non-traditional organizational processes: The case of Chinese firms. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 139, 352-361. 

Pandit, N., Cook, G., Wan, F.*, Beaverstock, J. & Ghauri, P. 2018. The Economies and diseconomies of industrial clustering: Multinational enterprise versus uninational enterprises. Management International Review, 58(6), 935-967 

Williamson, P. & Wan, F.* 2018. Emerging market multinationals and the concept of ownership advantages. International Journal of Emerging Markets. 13(3), 557-567

Wan, F., Williamson, P. J. & Yin, E. 2015. Antecedents and implications of disruptive innovation: Evidence from China. Technovation, 39-40: 94-104.

Books & Book Chapters

Gao, M. & Wan, F. 2014. Report on Entrepreneur Ability Index of China’s Listed Companies. Economy and Science Publishing.

Williamson, P. & Wan, F. 2019. How real are the opportunities for multinationals in China? In: Grosse, R. and Meyer, K.E. (eds.) The Oxford handbook of management in emerging markets. Oxford University Press.

Conference Papers

Wan, F., 2014. Converting Country-specific Advantages into Firm-specific Advantages in Emerging Markets. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 1-5, 2014, Philadelphia, USA.

Wan, F., 2013. How do firms develop and sustain competitive advantage? A renewed research agenda. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.

Wan, F. & Williamson, P. J., 2012. Accessing country-specific advantages: the Case of the Chinese Enterprise Management Software Industry. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting 2012, Washington, DC, USA.

Wan, F. & Williamson, P. J., 2011. Toward a Theory of Converting Country-specific Advantages into Firm-specific Advantages. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 12-16, 2011, San Antonio, USA.

Wan, F. & Williamson, P. J., 2011. Converting Country-specific Advantages into Firm-specific Advantages in Chinese Firms: the Case of BYD. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, June 24-28, 2011, Nagoya, Japan.

Research Grants

    • British Academy (SRG1819\190297), 2019, Does multinationality matter in industrial clusters? A comparison in the UK media and financial services industries.

    • 2014, National Research Grant – NSSF Major Projects Fund [CI, RMB 800,000]

Research Interests

    • Innovation Management

    • Industrial Clusters and Science Parks

    • Competitive Strategy

Teaching Courses

    • Fundamentals of Management

    • Strategic and Innovation Management

    • Cross-cultural Management

Awards & Honors

    • 2014, Teaching Excellence Award, Beijing Normal University

    • 2019, Literati Best Paper Award, Emerald Publishing Limited