WANG Yiwei

WANG Yiwei

Assistant Professor

Dr. Yiwei Wang is an Assistant Professor of Operations Management at ZIBS, and a researcher at Zhejiang University - International Center for Data Science. He obtained his Ph.D. from UC Irvine, Paul Merage School of Business, and his bachelor’s degree from UC Berkeley, department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research. His research uses field experiments, causal inference, machine learning, and applied economic modelling to study consumer behaviors and operations problems in business operations. His research has been accepted at journals such as Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Management Science and Service Science. He serves as the Ad Hoc reviewer for Management Science, Operations Research, Journal of Operations Management, Omega, and Decision Analysis.

Personal website:


    • 2021, Ph.D. in Management, University of California - Irvine

    • 2013, B.S. in Operations Research, University of California - Berkeley

Work Experience

    • 2022 – Present, Assistant Professor of Operations Management, Zhejiang University

    • 2021-2022 Research Associate, Dartmouth College


Journal Articles

  • Yiwei Wang and Lauren Xiaoyuan Lu. The Value of Curated Boxes: Evidence from an Online Omnichannel Fashion Retailer, 2024. Under review at Management Science. 

  • Yiwei Wang, Lauren Xiaoyuan Lu, and Pengcheng Shi. Does Customer Email Engagement Improve Profitability? Evidence from a Field Experiment in Subscription Service Retailing. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2022, 24(5): 2703-2721. 

  • Yiwei Wang, Vidyanand Choudhary, and Shuya Yin, Product Design Enhancement for Fashion Retailing. Service Science, 2023, 15(3):157-171. 

  • Miloš Fišar, Ben Greiner, Christoph Huber, Elena Katok, Ali I. Ozkes, and the Management Science Reproducibility Collaboration. Reproducibility in Management Science. Management Science, 2023, 70(3):1343-1356. 

Note: member of the Management Science Reproducibility Collaboration

Conference Presentations

  • Does Customer Email Engagement Improve Profitability? Evidence from a Field Experiment in Subscription Service Retailing
    ◇Santa Clara University, 2021
    ◇University of San Diego, 2021
    ◇Chinese University of Hong Kong – Shenzhen, 2021
    ◇University of Science and Technology of China, 2021 
    ◇Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, 2021 
    ◇Zhejiang University, 2021 
    ◇University of Waterloo, 2022
    ◇CSAMSE Annual Meeting, 2022
    ◇INFORMS Annual Meeting, 2020, 2021
    ◇POMS Annual Meeting, 2021
    ◇POMS China, 2022

  • The Value of Curated Box Retailing: Evidence from an Online Omnichannel Fashion Retailer
    ◇POMS Annual Meeting, 2021, 2023 (Scheduled)
    ◇INFORMS Annual Meeting, 2020

  • Membership Design for Subscription-Based Retailing (with Jing-Sheng Song)

          ◇UC Irvine, Paul Merage Brown Bag Series, 2019
          ◇ INFORMS Annual Meeting, 2019

  • Product Design Enhancement for Fashion Retailing

          ◇INFORMS Annual Meeting, 2016, 2017
          ◇CSAMSE Annual Meeting, 2016, 2018
          ◇SoCal OR/OM Day, 2019

Research Grants

    • 国家重点研发计划,《现代服务业发展水平评价理论与方法研究》(编号:2022YFF0902900) 子课题负责人

    • 国家高端智库重点研究课题,《消费品工业品牌评价体系构建研究》(编号:2023GDZKZD24) 课题负责人

    • 企事业单位委托科技项目,《省工商联护航民营企业风险指标体系课题》 课题负责人

    • 梁仕源、梁秀莲中美科研基金,《不确定性下的科技创新方法研究》 课题负责人

Research Interests

    • Retail Operations Management

    • Subscription Models 

    • Generative AI in Business Operations

Teaching Courses

  • Operations Management: GCM (2022), GCM (2023), iMBA (2022), iMBA (2023)

  • Business Statistical Analysis: iMBA (2023)

  • Supply Chain Data Analysis: iMDS (2024)

Awards & Honors

      • 05/2020 Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society

      • 09/2014 Doctoral Student Fellowship

      • 04/2011 Alpha Pi Mu Honor Society, Berkeley Chapter