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Embrace Opportunities and Possibilities Ahead @ZIBS

Source: ZIBS Author: Time: 2023-10-04 Visitors: 0


In 2023 ZIBS Welcome Ceremony, Dr. WEI Binru, Assistant Professor who recently joined ZIBS, spoke as a "new professor" in dialogue with the "new students." Full text of the speech is as follows:





Ladies and gentlemen, Distinguished guests, esteemed faculty members, and our students,

I stand before you today with an overwhelming sense of joy and pride as we extend a warm and formal welcome to the latest members of our esteemed academic family. To our new students, I offer my greatest congratulations on reaching this significant milestone in your academic journey.



As a new member of this institution as well, I am honored to share my own experiences with you. My academic journey commenced when I was 18 years old, embarking on a mathematical degree at University College London in the United Kingdom. Subsequently, I pursued and successfully completed a master's degree in finance and earned a Ph.D. in economics from the prestigious Cambridge University. Today, I am privileged to stand here as a faculty member of ZIBS. Reflecting upon my journey, I realized that I have, in many ways, epitomized the core values of ZIBS – which are interdisciplinarity, intercultural understanding, and international perspectives.

Allow me to explain. Firstly, my academic journey spans a variety of disciplines, ranging from mathematics to economics, and currently extends to my research in carbon economics and finance. This transition was challenging, but it has allowed me with the invaluable ability to analyze issues from multifaceted angles.

Secondly, my academic journey has brought me into contact with people from various cultural backgrounds, and I consider myself immensely fortunate for every friendship forged. I encourage you, dear students, to observe the diversity that surrounds us in this very auditorium. This is an exceptional environment in Chinese universities for cross-cultural learning experiences.

Lastly, I consider myself fortunate to have studied and worked in some of the most prestigious international institutions worldwide. Recognized by professor Joseph Needham as the "Cambridge of the East", Zhejiang University stands among the best universities in China. It is a privilege to become a member of this esteemed university.




In my capacity as an educator certified by the Higher Education Academy in the UK, I wish to offer some insights gleaned from my observations of students over the years. For those who may be contemplating what it takes to excel academically, my suggestions might be beneficial.

My observations have led me to extract these key attributes into three words, each beginning with the letter "C," which I believe will be instrumental in your forthcoming academic journey.

The first "C" stands for "Concentration." Success in your studies demands unwavering concentration. Discover a conducive environment, whether in the library or your personal space, where you can engage in thoughtful contemplation and analysis. A genuine interest in your chosen subjects or a clear understanding of their significance can surely enhance your ability to concentrate.

The second "C" emphasizes "Connection." You are now part of a university that ranks among the best. The ideas generated here and the connections you form can become invaluable assets that endure a lifetime. Foster connections with your peers, your professors, your chosen industry, and society at large. These relationships will serve as a reservoir of knowledge and support throughout your journey.

The final "C" denotes "Change." If I were to ask you why you chose to pursue higher education, you might offer a variety of responses. Beneath the surface, however, lies the ultimate motivation—the desire for change. Change may manifest on a personal level, altering your understanding of matters that saturate our daily lives. It can also translate into transformative societal impacts. Though you may not yet realize it, the willingness to effect change represents the most advanced form of productivity that humanity can generate.




In closing, I leave you with the wisdom of Abraham Lincoln: "The best way to predict your future is to create it." Once again, allow me to extend my heartfelt congratulations on becoming students of Zhejiang University. I, together with other faculty and staff members, eagerly await the privilege of witnessing your intellectual and personal development, celebrating your accomplishments, and sharing in the pride of our academic community. You are now entering a new chapter in your lives—a chapter teeming with boundless opportunities and promise.

Thank you, and may your academic experience be filled with knowledge, growth, and unparalleled success.





WEI Binru

ZIBS Assistant Professor


Dr. WEI Binru, who graduated from the University of Cambridge, is currently an assistant professor at ZIBS. Before joining ZIBS, Dr. WEI Binru held a teaching position at Lancaster University Business School, which is ranked among the top 2 six-star business schools in the UK. Her research interests cover macroeconomics, spatial economy, and carbon economy. She focuses on various specific research topics, including evaluating the impact of infrastructure on urban economic development, studying the green energy industry and green economy, and conducting quantitative analysis of carbon economy policies. Dr. WEI Binru utilizes research methods such as machine learning, mathematical analysis, and agent-based economic modelling.

