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2023 Graduation Special: Our Exclusive Memories @ZIBS

Source: ZIBS Author: Time: 2023-06-29 Visitors: 0


In June 2023, another batch of iMBA students graduated. Soft wind in summer, colorful flowers on campus, and years of joy are the most special journeys of life… Looking back, let's refresh the proudest memories @ ZIBS!



LIN Jiechi

iMBA 2019,Finance Management at Guangfa Bank (CGB)

Hobbies: Reading


These past three years at the International Campus passed in the blink of an eye. Throughout this journey, the dynamic academic environment and intellectual culture of ZJU left an indelible mark on me. Immersed in this vibrant atmosphere, ZIBS exposed us to cutting-edge industry trends, systematically broadening my perspective and sharpening my management skills. Thanks to the iMBA Program, we had the unique opportunity to delve into the operations and strategies of thriving enterprises. As an iMBAer, the remarkable two and a half years have been a lifelong treasure for me.




iMBA 2019,Regional Sales Manager at Johnson & Johnson MedTech

Hobbies: Reading, Writing


The recollection of making it into the first class of iMBA program in March 2019 still sparks excitement and gratitude in me. Reentering the academic sphere with ZIBS, I found myself amidst insightful dialogues with diverse peers and prominent professors whose intellect, vision, and journeys had numerous enlightening moments. I was particularly moved by Dean BEN's dedicated guidance that constantly prompted us to think and learn. My time at ZIBS not only enriched my academic knowledge and built life-long friendships, but it also sparked my dreams, unlocking a world of possibilities.



WU Wanyi

iMBA 2019, Business Manager at Zhejiang Huaxing Feather & Down Products Co.,Ltd.

Hobbies: Marathon running


Graduation has finally come, marking the conclusion of an exhilarating three-year  journey at the academy, a journey that now seems like a colorful dream. As the dream blends into the waking reality, it leaves behind fragments of colorful memories - classrooms, the Juanhu Lake, brand-new sports field, and the rhythm of the changing seasons. Each day, brimming with anticipation for classes, ended leaving me with a sense of fulfillment and a dash of delightful exhaustion. Steady groundwork guided my successful navigation through the initial challenge of English-taught lessons. Exquisite living conditions in the residential college provided the perfect backdrop for engaged after-hours study recaps. The journey along the way was indeed nothing short of exhilarating.



Beyond academics, my postgraduate journey encompassed enriching bouts of athletic training, particularly run sessions under the blanket of night, braving the crisp cold, or the blistering summer heat. The rewards came in sweats and strides: the 5 km stretch around the lake, the 3 km track around the campus, and the 400m loop at the field, each a testament to my increasing endurance that allows me to sail through a marathon, trek over hilly terrains for hours today. During my time at ZIBS, I also participated in the unforgettable Asia-Pacific Business School Desert Adventure, as well as countless marathons and trail runs. The world turned out to be far larger than I imagined and I, far more capable. What a spectacular journey!

With graduation, the curtain falls on my campus life, but the vast stage of life awaits. We may cross paths again in some future chapter. So, until then, farewell!


YANG Hanqi

iMBA 2020,Deputy Manager of a First-Level Branch at Bank of Ningbo (NBCB)



Three months have slipped by since graduation, and over a year has passed since we left the classroom, yet the imprint of our ZIBS journey remains vivid.

Our class had always shared a special bond. To be honest, my enrollment in the iMBA program felt like a twist of fate. Unexpectedly, I was fortunate to have made the cut. I have always considered myself lucky, believing that everything happens for the best. Joining the iMBA family and meeting the faculty and my classmates have indeed been a fortunate encounter. Opportunities to meet genuine friends become scarce once you start working. Entering the professional field narrows down the chance of making true friendships. iMBA, however, provided us an environment that not only facilitated such connections but opened our eyes to the broad spectrum of the world - a place far more diverse, with varied avenues for growth, and far beyond the fences of our immediate vicinity.



The international curriculum of the iMBA also provided us with opportunities to mingle with luminaries across industries. Many new concepts are in their infancy, and thinking about how to integrate these concepts with our work to innovate is a subject for each of us to ponder.

The past two and a half years have been a journey of education, communication, interaction, and growth, a journey bathed in fortune. To all the professors, mentors, and fellow students I crossed paths with, here's to an unwavering bond, a prospering iMBA, and my humble contribution to shaping its future.


ZHANG Zhibin

iMBA 2020,Project Manager at Wuxi Lead Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd.

Hobbies: Reading novels, Long-distance running, Pull-ups


As I reflect on my time at ZIBS, it dawns on me that this chapter of my life is coming to an end. Filled with a deep sense of nostalgia for the university and profound gratitude toward my professors, I would like to express my sincere respect to the faculty as we part ways.

An immense thank you to all the professors for your tireless dedication and invaluable insights in both academics and life. Every achievement of mine is and will be a testament to your effort and commitment.

My heartfelt thanks to the faculty across the academy for their unwavering support and consideration in all aspects of my life. The enriching and joyous experience I had at the academy is indeed the fruit of your tireless efforts and selfless contributions.

I also want to extend my gratitude to all my schoolmates for the good time we've shared and the benefits I've gained from you. Though our time together was brief, the friendships we made will be enduring.



As I am on the brink of graduation, having achieved success in my studies, I want to express my deep appreciation to my alma mater and dedicated professors. I wish the university ever-growing success; continuous achievements for the academy; blessings of health and career advancement for all my professors; and, for all my schoolmates, remarkable success in your life's journey.

(Sorted by Last Name)


Beneath the whispering breeze and soft rain,
through the murmuring of summer lotus,
from ZJU, we part ways,
from ZJU, our journey commences,
Over our shoulders, brilliant stardust shine in our dreams