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ESCP Online Summer Exchange 2022

Source: ZIBS Author: Time: 2022-09-14 Visitors: 0

During the summer vacation, Hiba Tebay and Samuel Ivaska, international students from ZIBS iMFprogram participated in the ESCP Summer Exchange Program in Paris for a month. For those who were not able to travel, ZHANG Shan and ZHOU Yuling, participated in the program virtually. Let's see what they said about this unique experience!

ZHANG Shan: Become a better person

As an iMBA student, I am honored to be able to participate in the summer exchange program jointly held by ZIBS and ESCP. The course setting is closely related to my work, and very exciting.
Briefed by the teachers at the university and based on my actual situation, I chose four courses including Marketing Research, Negotiation Bootcamp, Custom Value Management, and Marketing Communication.

Although we could only attend the courses online due to the Covid-19, the professors at the MIM summer project team guided us through the registration, course selection and specific matters of the class before the class started, and helped us to quickly figure out the course arrangement and assessment. Besides, both ZIBS and ECSP use the Blackboard system, which I am familiar with, and greatly helps me improve my efficiency!

The first course was Marketing Research, which was taught online and offline. My classmates and I communicated with each other in the study group, which made it easier for me to understand the course. The course involves professional marketing. Managers in charge of well-known Parisian companies were invited to the class to share their expertise. What's more, there were various forms of participation such as group discussions, field research and interviews, and group presentation. The course was fast-paced and required a lot to be done, but I managed to integrate myself into the class and combine theory with practice, for which I benefited tremendously.

Negotiation Bootcamp also impressed me a lot. The professor provided three business cases and asked students to make negotiation simulation. During the negotiation, the professor provided guidance to help us improve our communication skills and negotiation efficiency, and instructed us to coordinate and work together to maximize the benefits of teamwork.

For my professional life, business negotiation is one of the main tasks, and the Negociation Bootcamp is significant to me. In the final assignment, I carefully listed the negotiation skills I still need to improve, my action plan and available resources for me to perform better in the future.

Although I participated the program virtually, the professors fully mobilized the interaction between students online and offline, which greatly enhanced our motivation. In a relaxing and vibrant atmosphere, students shared anecdotes about their own countries and schools, which further helped expand my international vision.

In general, this exchange experience has benefited me a lot. The only regret was that I couldn't go to Paris for a closer encounter with ECSP.

If you are interested in ESCP, it's the perfect chance!

ZHOU Yuling: To Absorb, Grow, and Make New Breaks

How time flies! I can still clearly recall how passionate I was for the ESCP Summer Exchange program. From this experience, I benefited both in academic achievements and self-awareness.

The professors are experienced, especially the professor of Marketing Research, who guided us through by integrating the huge theoretical system with practices. In each class or for after-class homework, we were required to apply theory to practical activities, and make presentation. It helped deepen our understanding.

The professor of International Business Management followed a tight schedule. The other day, our group was severely criticized for not handing in the assignment in time, and I made self-reflection:

There is no reason to "be sluggish" in the face of assignments (targets). If you are too lazy to do the presentation this time, you may miss out on the deal of millions of dollars because of laziness.

By doing the presentation based on teamwork, especially that with international students, I realized that good teamwork can be achieved only when everyone was active and responsible. I also realized that a good leader must be highly aware of responsibility, and make every team member realize it. When someone asked: "Can anyone help me?" in the study group, it was immediately responded with "How can I help you?". In a great team, everyone is motivated!


The intensive learning and exchanges with students abroad inspired me to correct my learning attitude - not only for my study, but also for my professional and personal life. This experience made me realize that we can keep absorbing, growing, and making new breaks like a sponge, and achieve self-fulfillment with lifelong learning!

Thanks to ZHANG Shan and ZHOU Yuling for sharing with us their stories! Want to know more about this amazing program?

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