Program Overview

With the rapid expansion of big data and artificial intelligence, there is a necessity to comprehend how to leverage these tools to contribute to building a better society. Under the guidance of the Center for Data Science at Zhejiang University, the iMDS program offers comprehensive training in applied and theoretical statistics, machine learning algorithm programming, data visualization, and the fundamental principles of statistical inference. Upon program completion, our graduates will possess the skills to identify and employ suitable methods for solving intricate real-world challenges in diverse sectors, such as business and social sciences. Additionally, they will be adept at communicating results clearly and efficiently to a broad audience.

Program Highlights

Created in collaboration with CDS (Center for Data Science, Zhejiang University)

CDS is a university-level academic institution with applied mathematics in statistics, computer science and management as its core disciplines, focusing on big data theory, application and talent training. It gathers and cultivates first-class talents in the field of data science at home and abroad, and builds a high-level, sophisticated collaborative innovation base for data science.

Multicultural studying environment

In the iMDS program, both Chinese and international students are instructed in English, fostering collaborative learning within a single unified class. This program aims to equip students with 'global competence'—the ability to learn, work, and live alongside individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Beyond the courses

Students have the opportunity to engage in a diverse array of industrial internships and research projects. We collaborate with renowned companies, including Ant Group, among others. Additionally, we extend invitations to internationally recognized experts, scholars, and enterprise leaders to participate in lectures, practical sessions, and research activities. This approach aims to broaden students' international perspective.

Interdisciplinary pedagogy

In iMDS program, students can acquire the technical and analytical skills that will propel them into careers across diverse industries, from the sciences to finance and more. This program provides broad and unique educational experience across various areas of Data Science.


1. Close connection between course learning and practical courses.

2. Dual-mentor system (professional mentors and fieldwork mentors).


To meet the major strategic needs of the country, deepen the integration of industry and education, we are cultivating talents in big data who can solve major engineering problems.

Course Structure

Course Schedule

  • Core Courses

  • Elective Courses

  • An Elementary Course of Data Science

  • Modern Statistical Methods

  • Engineering Ethics

  • Artificial Intelligence Algorithm and Systems

  • Data Modeling and Examples in Electronic Information Engineering

  • Scientific Research and Thesis Writing

  • Seminar Series on Frontier Engineering Technologies

  • ……

  • Causal Inference and Machine Learning

  • Deep Learning

  • Supply Chain Data Analytics

  • Data Visualization

  • Financial Data Analysis and Decision Making

  • Introduction to Data Governance Techniques

  • ……

* Courses indicated above may subject to change

Study Abroad Opportunities

iMDS students are offered various study abroad opportunities during their graduate studies through ZIBS's global network.

iMDS Academic Seminars

Lectures cover various topics, including statistical methods for data analysis, programming languages such as Python or R, machine learning algorithms, and data visualization techniques. This comprehensive curriculum allows students to acquire a diverse set of essential skills and concepts.

Student Activities

The vibrant campus life offers students diverse perspectives, cultural exposure, and the chance to develop social skills. It serves as a catalyst for personal growth, creativity, and innovation, providing valuable networking opportunities.

Life at ZIBS

  • Historic & Aesthetic

    The harmonious environment of the ZJU International Campus, with its blend of intellectual curiosity, social hubs, and a mix of independent and collaborative spaces, provides our students with a vibrant and conducive atmosphere for learning. Explore the campus and life at ZIBS here.

  • Top Notch Dining

    The dining experience is diverse with multiple offerings. Two cafeterias offer a variety of meals ranging from local favourites to international cuisines to cater different tastes and preferences. Meanwhile, located at ZIBS building, our ZIBS students can grab a quick bite between classes or enjoying leisurely meal at Welounge – a stop for freshly brewed coffee mingles with subtle notes of bakery or diverse tapestry flavours of meals.

  • Involved Faculty

    Our faculty are highly recognized in their respective field. Our faculty inspire student goes beyond traditional lectures by incorporating heat debates or moot court to solve complex societal dilemma, mentorships, internships and field visits. Overall, our curriculum creates a stimulating environment for student’s intellectual curiosity. Check the full list of faculty and scholars here.

  • Caring Community

    At ZIBS, we demonstrate care for our students in various aspects of life through support services.

    (1)Counselling Center: Mental health education are regularly organized, click here for more information. Students can make appointment for psychological counselling at student platform-myZJU.

    (2)Health and Welllness Program: We promote healthy living through fitness facilities and wellness programs. The iZJU campus is well equipped with sports facilities including basketball courts, football fields, tracks, volleyball courts, dancing rooms, gymnasiums, squash halls, tennis halls, badminton halls, indoor swimming pool. For information, check here.

    (3)Career Services: We assist our students with career planning, internships and job placement to enhance your post graduation prospects. Despite the conventional climbing the corporate ladder, ZIBS uniquely serve our students with ZIBS Innovation Center that boost start-up dream. On top of that, we have ZIBS Asia Pacific Center, ZIBS Latin America Center, ZIBS Africa Centre.

  • Unique Tradition

    Zhejiang University International Campus tree planting activity at Arbor Day to address climate change, community, and biodiversity issues and much more on campus.

  • Your Home Abroad

    iZJU adopts collegiate systems with the aim to provide students with homey residential for our students. Spacious, well-furnished with sufficient facilities such as multifunctional learning rooms, discussion rooms, gymnasiums, band rooms and recreation area for students after academic endeavors. Residentials advisors and staff members further add personal touch with students by organizing social events that make students feel like a home. For more information, click this link.

Our Team

Dr. Wenguang SUN

iMDS Chief Expert

Prof. Sun was a tenured full professor at the Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California (USC) prior to his appointment at ZJU. He has been awarded research funds multiple times, continuously from 2010 to 2022, from the National Science Foundation (NSF) as the principal investigator. He is the recipient of multiple awards, including the prestigious NSF CAREER Award, USC Dean's award for research excellence and Golden Apple Best Teaching Award. His research interests include: Large-Scale Multiple Testing, Selective In- ference, Empirical Bayes Methods, Conformal Inference, Fairness in Machine Learning, Transfer Learning and Statistical Decision Theory.

Dr. Yiwei WANG

iMDS Program Director

Partnering with the Center for Data Science, the iMDS program draws on faculty expertise, real world case studies and peer interactions. It will enable you to advance your use of analytics and drive greater success through artificial intelligence, computer science and management related subjects.

Yiren ZHAO (Jill)

iMDS Program Manager

Responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of iMDS, including contributing to outreach efforts,  student admissions procedures, recruitment activities, etc.

Zhenzhen HONG

Student Affair Director

Welcome from ZIBS Student Affairs team! Lots of exciting moments are waiting for you, culture sharing, business practice, career development and so on. It will be a perfect opportunity to mingle into local community and study with your classmates from over 60 countries! We're here to make sure that you could have good living and learning experience at ZIBS. Please feel free to drop by if you are in need of help for just want someone to talk to.

Gilles Cedric MEIRA

Transcultural Development Unit Director

“Working or Learning in a dynamic multi-cultural environment requires a strong commitment and a well-balanced life to remain active and healthy and integrate positively.”

Gilles is responsible for fostering cross-cultural understanding, integration, and communication among students on campus, in addition to promoting wellbeing management. He also oversees a number of workshop series that provide extracurricular support and enrich the lives of students, among others; these include workshops on culture development, public speaking, and career development. Additionally, he is co-organizing the Me&China Series and the Business Practice Series at this time. Furthermore, he offers assistance to students across the campus in the development of community outreach programs and student managed activities.

Yinzhi YANG (Olivia)

ZIBS Career Development Centre

Centered around students' growth, we implement a variety of measures, including career planning guidance, the cultivation of professional qualities and abilities, internship experiences, and employment services. We offer activities such as alumni/industry mentor discussions, corporate visits, corperate session, one-on-one mentorship for career guidance, mock interviews, and innovation & entrepreneurship initiatives. Our goal is to provide students with specialized, personalized, and systematic training in career skills and guidance for innovation and entrepreneurship.
