

副教授 院长助理 iMBA项目主任

王琤博士现任浙江大学国际联合商学院副教授,曾在纽卡斯尔大学、杜伦大学、西交利物浦大学担任教职。主要研究领域是服务营销与管理,具体研究兴趣聚焦在消费者对创新服务技术的接受与采纳。研究成果发表在Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science、 Journal of Service Research等国际学术期刊上。


  • 2012.07,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学,哲学博士(市场营销专业)

  • 2007.01,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学,哲学硕士(市场营销专业)

  • 2004.07,复旦大学,管理学学士(市场营销专业)


  • 2021.09 至今,浙江大学国际联合商学院,副教授

  • 2015.08-2021.08,西交利物浦大学,助理教授

  • 2013.10-2015.08,英国杜伦大学,讲师

  • 2012.10-2013.10,英国纽卡斯尔大学,讲师



  • Markus Blut, Cheng Wang, Nancy V. Wünderlich, and Christian Brock (2021), “Understanding Anthropomorphism in Service Provision: A Meta-Analysis of Physical Robots, Chatbots, and Other AI”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 49 (4), 632-658.

  • Markus Blut and Cheng Wang (2020), “Technology Readiness: A Meta-Analysis of Conceptualizations of the Construct and Its Impact on Technology Usage”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48 (4), 649-669.

  • Cheng Wang (2017), “Consumer Acceptance of Self-Service Technologies: An Ability-Willingness Model”, International Journal of Market Research, 59 (6), 787-802.

  • Cheng Wang, Jennifer Harris, and Paul Patterson (2017), “Modeling the Habit of Self-Service Technology Usage”, Australian Journal of Management, 42 (3), 462-481.

  • Markus Blut, Cheng Wang, and Klaus Schoefer (2016), “Factors Influencing the Acceptance of Self-Service Technologies: A Meta-Analysis”, Journal of Service Research, 19 (4), 396-416.

  • Cheng Wang, Jennifer Harris, and Paul Patterson (2013), “The Roles of Habit, Self-Efficacy, and Satisfaction in Driving Continued Use of Self-Service Technology: A Longitudinal Study”, Journal of Service Research, 16 (3), 400-414.

  • Cheng Wang, Jennifer Harris, and Paul Patterson (2012), “Customer Choice of Self-Service Technology: The Roles of Situational Influences and Past Experience”, Journal of Service Management, 23 (1), 54-78.


  • Wenting Zhang and Cheng Wang (2020), “Customer Forgiveness Following Service Failure and Recovery”, the 49th European Marketing Academy Conference, Budapest, Hungary.

  • Bojing Cao and Cheng Wang (2018), “The Elderly’s Acceptance of Healthcare Self-Service Technologies”, the 2018 ANZMAC Conference, Adelaide, Australia.

  • Qingwei Du and Cheng Wang (2017), “Impact of Content Features on Social Media Engagement”, the 2017 ANZMAC Conference, Melbourne, Australia.

  • Cheng Wang (2016), “Consumer Acceptance of Self-Service Technologies: An Ability-Willingness Model”, the 2016 ANZMAC Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand.

  • Qunchao Li and Cheng Wang (2015), “Product Placement Efficacy in Television Drama: The Roles of Presentation Modes and Brand Familiarity”, the 2015 ANZMAC Conference, Sydney, Australia.

  • Youyou Jing and Cheng Wang (2015), “The Effectiveness of Different Types of Spokesperson in Hedonic vs. Utilitarian Service Advertising”, the 14th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management, Shanghai, China.

  • Cheng Wang (2014), “Customer Recovery from Self-Service Failure: An Attribution-Emotion Model”, the 23rd Frontiers in Service Conference, Miami, USA.

  • Cheng Wang and Qin Zhang (2014), “Controllable Antecedents to Boosting Word-of-Mouth on Social Media: Empirical Evidence from Twitter”, the 43rd European Marketing Academy Conference, Valencia, Spain.

  • Cheng Wang, Jennifer Harris, and Paul Patterson (2013), “Modeling Habit Formation in a Self-Service Technology (SST) Usage Context”, the 22nd Frontiers in Service Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.

  • Cheng Wang, Jennifer Harris, and Paul Patterson (2009), “Situational Influences in the Choice of Self-Service in a Multi-Channel Retail Context”, the 2009 ANZMAC Conference, Melbourne, Australia.

  • Cheng Wang, Jennifer Harris, and Paul Patterson (2007), “An Integrated Model of Intentions to Adopt Self-Service Technologies (SSTs): The Moderating Effects of Personality Traits”, the 2007 ANZMAC Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand.

  • Jennifer Harris and Cheng Wang (2006), “A Contingency Model of the Satisfaction Formation Process: Empirical Evidence from China’s Mobile Phone Services”, the 2006 ANZMAC Conference, Brisbane, Australia.


  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目参与者,项目名称:新能源汽车的采纳与扩散研究:基于电动化、共享化和智能网联化的融合视角

  • 国家自然科学基金青年项目,项目参与者,项目名称:基于共享旅游视角的顾客契合机制研究

  • 西交利物浦大学科研基金,项目主持人,项目名称:The Impact of Servicescape on Work Effectiveness: A Longitudinal Study

  • 西交利物浦大学西浦国际商学院科研基金,项目主持人,项目名称:Customer Recovery from Self-Service Failure: A Cognitive-Affective Model


  • 营销学基础

  • 营销管理

  • 国际营销

  • 中国营销专题


  • 2019.12,西交利物浦大学西浦国际商学院优秀科研奖

  • 2017.10,西交利物浦大学西浦国际商学院院长奖(科研)

  • 2017.06,Journal of Service Research最佳论文奖

  • 2009.02,Fisher IMS & AMA SERVSIG Dissertation Proposal Competition荣誉提名奖