WANG Hongwei

WANG Hongwei

Professor Vice Dean, ZJU-UIUC Institute

Prof. WANG Hongwei is a tenured professor at ZJUI. He is a chartered senior engineer and serves as the vice president of the Information Technology Branch of the Zhejiang Association of Scholars from Overseas. He serves as an editorial board member for well-established journals such as Journal of Service Oriented Computing and Applications and the IET Journal of Collaborative and Intelligent Manufacturing. He has been invited to deliver keynote speeches twice in international conferences, and has won four best paper awards. Prior to joining Zhejiang University, he was a senior lecturer and center director at the University of Portsmouth, UK. He has successfully supervised near 30 graduate students. Prof. Wang got his bachelor’s degree from Zhejiang University, China, his master degree from Tsinghua University, China, and his PhD degree from the University of Cambridge, UK, respectively.


  • Ph.D., Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge

  • M.S., Department of Automation, Tsinghua University

  • B.S., College of Biomedical Engineering & Instrument Science/Chu Kochen Honors College, Zhejiang University


The research group of Prof. Wang has established close collaboration with partners from both academia and industry. In the past few years, he has publsihed over 100 research papers amongst which some typical ones are listed below:

  • Distributed Modeling and Simulation: Algorithms and Systems

  • G. Peng, H. Wang, J. Dong, H. Zhang. Knowledge-Based Resource Allocation for Collaborative Simulation Development in Multi-tenant Cloud Computing Environments. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. 11(2), 2018. pp. 306-317.

  • J. Zhao, H. Wang, W. Liu, H. Zhang. A Learning-Based Multiscale Modelling Approach to Real-Time Serial Manipulator Kinematics Simulation. Neurocomputing. 390, 2019. pp. 280-293. 

  • H. Wang, H. Mao, H. Zhang. A Variable-Step Interaction Algorithm for Multidisciplinary Collaborative Simulation. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering. 21, 2014. pp.263-279.   

  • H. Wang, A. L. Johnson, H. Zhang, S. Liang. Towards a Collaborative Modeling and Simulation Platform on the Internet. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 24(2), 2010. pp.208-218. 

  • H. Wang, H. Zhang. An Integrated and Collaborative Approach for Complex Product Development in Distributed Heterogeneous Environment. International Journal of Production Research. 2008, 46(9), pp.2345-2361. 

Knowledge Extraction and Retrieval:

  • G. Peng, H. Wang, H. Zhang, K. Huang. A Hypernetwork-Based Approach to Collaborative Retrieval and Reasoning of Engineering Design Knowledge. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 2019, 42, 100956. 

  • G. Peng, H. Wang, H. Zhang, Y. Zhao, A. L. Johnson. A Collaborative System for Capturing and Reusing In-Context Design Knowledge with An Integrated Representation Model. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 33, 2017. pp.314-329. 

  • H. Qin, H. Wang, A. L. Johnson. A RFBSE model for capturing engineers’ useful knowledge and experience during the design process. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 44, 2017. pp.30-43. 

  • H. Wang, A. L. Johnson, R. H. Bracewell. The Retrieval of Structured Design Rationale for the Re-use of Design Knowledge with an Integrated Representation. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 26(2), 2012. pp.251-266. 

Anomaly Detection and Fault Diagnosis: 

  • P. Peng, W. Zhang, Y. Zhang, H. Wang, H. Zhang. Non-revisiting Genetic Cost Sensitive Sparse Auto-Encoder for Imbalanced Fault Diagnosis. Applied Soft Computing. (In print)

  • P. Peng, Y. Zhang, H. Wang, H. Zhang. Towards Robust and Understandable Fault Detection and Diagnosis Using Denoising Sparse Autoencoder and Smooth Integrated Gradients. ISA Transactions. 2021 (DOI: 10.1016/j.isatra.2021.06.005). 

  • P. Peng, W. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Y. Xu, H. Wang, H. Zhang. Cost Sensitive Active Learning Using Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Neural Networks for Imbalanced Fault Diagnosis. Neurocomputing. 2020, 407, pp.232-245.

  • G. Peng, H. Wang, H. Zhang. Intelligent management of coal stockpiles using improved grey spontaneous combustion forecasting models for cleaner power plants. Energy. 132, 2017. pp.269-279.

Design Optimization and System Modeling for Complex Systems:

  • Y. Cao, Y. Liu, H. Wang, J. Zhao. Ontology-based Model-Driven Design of Distributed Control Applications in Manufacturing Systems. Journal of Engineering Design. 2019, 30(10-12), pp.523-562. 

  • W. Yuan, Y. Liu, H. Wang, Y. Gao. A Geometric Structure Based Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Multi-objective Problems. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics – Systems. 47(9), 2017. pp.2516-2537.

  • H. Zhu, Y. Liu, H. Wang, J. Zhao. Efficient Construction of the Medial Axis for a CAD Model using Parallel Computing. Engineering with Computers. 34(3), 2018. pp.413–429.

  • W. Yuan, Y. Liu, J. Zhao, H. Wang. Pattern-based Integration of System Optimization in Mechatronic System Design. Advances in Engineering Software. 98, 2016. pp.23-37. 

  • H. Wang, H. Zhang. A Distributed and Interactive System to Integrated Design and Simulation for Collaborative Product Development. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 26(6), 2010. pp.778-789.  

Research Interests

  • Artificial Intelligence

  • Knowledge-Based Engineering

  • Industrial Knowledge Graph

  • Data-driven Fault Diagnosis for Complex Systems and Processes

  • Digital Twin Technology

Teaching Courses

    • Course teach as coordinator and lecturer:
      ECE 448: Artificial Intelligence (Undergraduate)
      Aritificial Intelligence: Theories and Applications (Graduate)
      Research Methods and Thesis Writing (Graduate)
      Coures involved in as part of a teaching team:
      ENG 100: Engineering Orientation
      ME 290: Mechanical Engineering Seminar

  • Awards & Honors

  • In 2019, Best Paper Award of the 16th IEEE ICEBE International Conference

  • In 2018, Best Paper Award of the 22nd IEEE CSCWD International Conference

  • In 2017, Excellent PhD Supervisor for the 2016 Excellent Self-financing Study Awardee

  • In 2015, Outstanding Contribution Award for Zhejiang University Alumni Work

  • In 2013, Best Paper Award of the 6th ICDMSD Conference

  • In 2012, Outstanding Research Award, Technology Faculty, Portsmouth University

  • In 2009, First Prize for Outstanding Chinese Students Studying in Europe

  • In 2009, Graduate Travel Grant of Clare College, Cambridge University

  • In 2007, Scholarship for Outstanding Young Scholars of Cambridge University

  • In 2007, Outstanding Master Graduates, Outstanding Dissertation for Master Degree, Tsinghua University

  • In 2006, First-class Scholarship, Tsinghua University

  • In 2005, Rockwell Scholarship, Tsinghua University

  • In 2004, Zhu Kezhen Excellent Graduate, Zhejiang Province Excellent Graduate, Excellent Graduate, Excellent Graduation Thesis, Zhejiang University

  • From 2001 to 2003, “First Class Scholarship”, “Excellent Students” and “Excellent Student Leaders” of Zhejiang University for three consecutive years, and at the same time received the highest award of university such as Ferrotec China Scholarship