学术副院长(兼) 金融学教授
钱美君教授,现任中国人民银行金融研究所研究总监,兼任浙江大学国际联合商学院学术副院长,金融教授,清华大学公共政策和管理学院卓越访问教授。归国前任美国宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院金融机构中心研究员,澳大利亚国立大学终身教授、学术委员会常委,世界中国中心执行董事,副教授,新加坡国立大学助理教授,美国芝加哥大学和南加州大学等学校访问教授,兼任亚洲开发银行的顾问经济学家,云杉资产管理等公司的独立董事。钱教授致力于比较金融体系,经济发展,金融机构风险和监管,企业融资和治理,国际资本流动和风险等方向的研究,聚焦不同经济体金融系统发展模式差异比较,探讨制度、文化、社会结构和科技进步等因素对企业,机构,投资人和监管部门的行为及结果的影响。其著作广泛发表于金融,管理,经济等方向的国际顶级期刊 (e.g., JFE, MS, JFQA, RF;UTD24, ABS4*, ABS4), 多次荣获 美国金融业界和监管部门奖项 (e.g., SEC,S&P, NASDAQ),担任多家国际期刊主编,副主编,和评审委员 (e.g., JIBS UTD24, EMR JCRQ1)。
2024.6 至今 中国人民银行金融研究所 研究总监
2022.4 至今 浙江大学,国际联合商学院 教授、学术副院长
2024.6 至今 清华大学,公共政策和管理学院 卓越访问教授
2022.1 至今 《国际商业研究》(英文国际 UTD24) 审查委员会
2021.8 至今 《新兴市场评论》(英文国际 JCRQ1) 主编
2020.10 至今 《中国会计与金融评论》(英文国际) 主编
2015.8 至今 《财务与会计季刊》 (英文国际) 副主编
2015.7-2022.12 澳大利亚国立大学,教授,副教授,校学术委员会常委, 世界中国中心执行董事,商学院创新中心执行董事,性别平等委员会主席, 公共政策与社会影响工作组,北亚战略合作工作组,终身正教授校评审委员
2006.6-2015.6 新加坡国立大学,助理教授
2005.9-2024.6 宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院金融机构中心,研究员
2022.10 澳大利亚国家对外商业和事务部,中国能力项目,导师
2016.1-2024.6 云杉资产管理,独立董事
2016.1-2019.6 道朴资本管理,独立董事
2015.2-2015.10 亚洲开发银行,咨询经济学家
2019.8-2019.10 芝加哥大学贝克弗里德曼中心,访问学者
2014.7-2014.8 芝加哥大学布斯商学院,访问学者
2010.12-2011.3 南加州大学马歇尔商学院,访问学者
2016.10– 2021.12 澳大利亚金融研究协会, 理事会理事, 董事会董事
“企业股票质押融资”,《金融评论》 Pan, Xiaofei and Meijun Qian, 2024. Firm Financing through Insider Stock Pledges”. Review of Finance (ABS4), 28(2), 621-659..
“隐形收益与融资“,《金融中介》 Allen, Franklin, Meijun Qian, and Jing Xie, 2022. “Implicit Benefits and Financing”. Journal of Financial Intermediation (ABS4), 52, 101000. 3
“股票市场流动性会影响分红政策吗?”,《环太平洋金融》 Michaely, Roni and Meijun Qian, 2022. Does Stock Market Liquidity Affect Dividend Policy? Pacific-Basin Finance Journal (JCRQ1), 74, 101788.
“中国金融制度回顾” ,《金融经济评论年刊》 Allen, Franklin, Jun Qian, and Meijun Qian, 2019. A Review of China's Institutions. Annual Review of Financial Economics (ABS3), 11, 39–64.
“理解非正式融资” ,《金融中介》 Allen, Franklin, Meijun Qian, and Jing Xie, 2019. Understanding Informal Financing. Journal of Financial Intermediation (ABS4), 39, 19–33 (the second most cited JFI article published since 2018).
“政治晋升,经理人激励, 以及薪酬与绩效之间的关系”,《管理科学》 Cao, Jerry, Michael Lemmon, Xiaofei Pan, Meijun Qian, and Gary Tian, 2019. Political Promotion, CEO Incentives, and the Relationship between Pay and Performance. Management Science (UTD24, ABS4*), 65(7), 2947–3448.
“房地产风险,企业投资和融资选择”,《房地产金融和经济》 Deng, Xiaoying Seow Eng Ong, and Meijun Qian, 2018. Real Estate Risk, Corporate Investment and Financing Choice. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics (ABS3), 57(1), 87–113.
“中国改革是渐进式的吗?来自农村收入决定因素的证据”,《欧洲金融》 Huang, Yasheng and Meijun Qian, 2018. How Gradualist Are Chinese Reforms? Evidence from Rural Income Determinants. European Journal of Finance (ABS3), 24, 19–35.
“法律诉讼与共同基金挤兑”,《金融稳定》 Qian, Meijun and Basak Tanyeri, 2017. Litigations and Mutual Fund Runs. Journal of Financial Stability (ABS3), 31, 119–135 (semi-finalist for the Best Paper Award at FMA 2011).
“政治资本与经理人壁垒:来自中国非国有企业经理人流动的证据”,《公司财务金融》 Cao, Jerry, Xiaofei Pan, Meijun Qian, and Gary Tian, 2017. Political Capital and CEO Entrenchment: Evidence from CEO Turnover in Chinese Non-SOEs. Journal of Corporate Finance (ABS4), 42, 1–14 (lead article).
“政治体制,阶级壁垒和经济发展的可持续性–来自农村金融的教训”, 《中国经济评论》 Qian, Meijun and Yasheng Huang, 2016. “Political Institutions, Entrenchments, and the Sustainability of Economic Development: A Lesson from Rural Finance”. China Economic Review (JCRQ1), 40, 152–178.
“银行融资与公司治理”,《 公司财务金融》 Qian, Meijun and Bernard Yeung, 2015. “Bank Financing and Corporate Governance”. Journal of Corporate Finance (ABS4), 32, 258–270.
“跨境杠杆收购”,《银行和财务》 Cao, Jerry, Douglas Cummings, Meijun Qian, and Xiaoming Wang, 2015. Cross-Border LBOs. Journal of Banking and Finance (JCRQ1), 50, 69–80.
“印度公司的融资”, 《金融中介》 Allen, Franklin, Rajesh Chakrabarti, Sankar De, Meijun Qian, and Jun Qian, 2012. Financing Firms in India. Journal of Financial Intermediation (ABS4), 21(3), 409–445 (the second most cited JFI articles published since 2012).
“’用脚投票’是共同基金的有效治理机制吗?” 《 公司财务金融》 Qian, Meijun, 2011. Is 'Voting with Your Feet' an Effective Mutual Fund Governance Mechanism? Journal of Corporate Finance (ABS4), 17(1), 45–61(Summarized by Jot K. Yau in CFA Digest 41(2), 10–11, 2011). 4
“价格滞时对共同基金的绩效和评估的影响” ,《金融数量分析》 Qian, Meijun, 2011. “Stale Prices and the Performance Evaluation of Mutual Funds”. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (ABS4), 46(2), 369–394.
“中国的法律,金融与经济增长”,《金融经济学》(名人堂,创刊以来引用率最高排名14) Allen, Franklin, Jun Qian, and Meijun Qian, 2005. “Law, Finance, and Economic Growth in China”. Journal of Financial Economics (UTD24, ABS4*), 77, 57-116. (JFE Hall of Fame, 1974– 2012, the 14th most cited).
“再论条件性绩效评估”,金融从业资格论证协会出版 Ferson, Wayne and Meijun Qian, 2004. Conditional Performance Evaluation, Revisited. Monograph by The Research Foundation of CFA Institute, September 2004. ISBN: 0943205700.
《另类金融研究手册》编著 “Research Handbook on Alternative Finance” edited by Franklin Allen and Meijun Qian, Edward Elgar Publishing, London, 2024.
“另类金融的理论、实践和展望” Allen, Franklin and Meijun Qian, 2023. “Theories, Practices, and Prospects of Alternative Finance”, Chapter 1 in Research Handbook of Alternative Finance, edited by Franklin Allen and Meijun Qian, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023.
“另类金融的国际比较“ Allen, Franklin, Elena Carletti, Meijun Qian, and Patricio Valenzuela, 2023. “The International Comparison of Alternative Finance”, Chapter 14 in Research Handbook of Alternative Finance, edited by Franklin Allen and Meijun Qian, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023.
“另类金融的竞争力” Allen, Franklin and Meijun Qian, 2023. “The Competitiveness of Alternative Finance”, Chapter 14 in Research Handbook of Alternative Finance, edited by Franklin Allen and Meijun Qian, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023.
“中国的另类金融机构” Nan, Li and Meijun Qian, 2023. “Alternative Financial Institutions in China”, Chapter 11 in Research Handbook of Alternative Finance, edited by Franklin Allen and Meijun Qian, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023.
“企业家的非正正式融资” “Informal Financing of Entrepreneurs”, with, Chapter 5 in De Gruyter Handbook of Entrepreneurial Finance”, edited by David Lingelbach, De Gruyter, 2022.
“中国企业技术发展的政治经济学” Qian, Meijun, 2020. Book review, on Paper Tigers, Hidden Dragons: Firms and the Political Economy of China's Technological Development, by Douglas B. Fuller. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. The Journal of Asian Studies, 79(2), 462–464. Cambridge University Press
“女性领导力和企业绩效” Qian, Meijun, 2015. Women’s Leadership and Corporate Performance”, Asian Development Bank (ADB) Economics Working Paper Series, No.472, January 2016. 2
“增加亚太地区的董事会的多样性” Marleen Dieleman, Meijun Qian, Muhammad Ibrahim, and Vivien Lim, 2015. “Diversity Matters: Adding Colour to Boards in APAC, 2015”.
“2014年新加坡董事会多元化报告” Marleen Dieleman, Meijun Qian, and Muhammad Ibrahim, 2014. “Singapore Board Diversity Report 2014: Picture the Performance Premium”. 5
“2013年新加坡董事会多元化报告–女性领导力的兴起” Marleen Dieleman and Muhammad Ibrahim, 2013. “Singapore Board Diversity Report 2013: Time for Women to Rise, 2013”.
“美国次贷危机对中国金融体系的影响”,《处理东亚经济危机》 Qian, Meijun, 2010. “The Impact of the U.S. Subprime Crisis on China’s Financial System”, (solo author), Chapter 2 in Managing Economic Crisis in East Asia, edited by Saw Swee-Hock and John Wong, EAI, 2010.
“中国的金融体系:过去,现在和未来”,《中国经济大转型》第14章 Allen, Franklin, Jun Qian, and Meijun Qian, 2009. “China’s Financial System: Past, Present and Future”, Chapter 14 in China’s Great Economic Transformation, edited by L. Brandt and T. Rawski, Cambridge University Press, 2008. [Translated into Chinese in 2009].
“中国和印度的法律,制度和金融”,《新兴巨人:世界经济中的中国和印度》第5章 Allen, Franklin, Rajesh Chakrabarti, Sankar De, Jun Qian, and Meijun Qian, 2009. “Law, Institutions and Finance in China and India”, Chapter 5 in Emerging Giants: China and India in the World Economy, edited by B. Eichengreen, P. Gupta, and R. Kumar, Oxford University Press, 2009.
“中国金融体系和未来计划综述”,《中国新兴金融市场:挑战与机遇》,《金融创新与经济增 长》丛书 Allen, Franklin, Jun Qian, Meijun Qian, and M. Zhao, 2009. “A Review of China's Financial System and Initiatives for the Future”, lead chapter in China’s Emerging Financial Markets: Challenges and Opportunities, edited by J. Barth and J. Tatom, Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovation and Economic Growth, Springer, 2009.
“中国的金融体系会刺激还是阻碍其经济增长?”《中国经济:回顾与展望》,亚洲计划特别报 告 Allen, Franklin, Jun Qian, and Meijun Qian, 2005. “Will China’s Financial System Stimulate or Impede the Growth of Its Economy?” in China’s Economy: Retrospect and Prospect, Asia Program Special Report No. 129, 33–41, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington D.C., 2005.
“比较中国的金融体系” Allen, Franklin, Jun Qian, and Meijun Qian, 2003. “Comparing China’s Financial System”, with, China Journal of Finance, 1(1), 1–28, lead article.
“建立中国21世纪的金融体系” Allen, Franklin, Jun Qian, and Meijun Qian, 2003, “Building China’s Financial System in the 21st Century”. Harvard China Review, 4(1), 36–41.
“中国监管重组目标在于解决角色冲突”日经亚洲 Qian, Meijun, “China’s regulatory restructuring targets conflicting roles”, Nikkei Asia, March 17, 2023.
“基于关系的借贷真的只是次好吗?”,世界银行金融专栏 Allen, Franklin, Meijun Qian, and Jing Xie, “Is Relationship-Based Lending Really the Second Best?” World Bank, All about Finance, June 2022.
“我们了解中国吗?应对COVID-19的经验教训” Qian, Meijun, “Do We Understand China? A Lesson from Dealing with COVID-19”, The China Story, June 12, 2020.
“重新思考国家所有权”,东亚论坛 Qian, Meijun, “Rethinking State Ownership”, East Asian Forum, May 2020.
“中国未完成的金融改革”,东亚论坛 Qian, Meijun, “China’s Incomplete Financial Reform”, East Asian Forum, December 2019.
“财富增长中的家族和贸易融资的力量:家族和企业网络如何帮助解决低财富积累和不良资本市场陷阱”, 富国银行金融与会计研究顾问中心 Allen, Franklin, Meijun Qian, and Jing Xie, “The Power of Family and Trade Finance in Growing Wealth: How Family and Business Networks Can Help Solve the Low Wealth QiAccumulation and Poor Capital Market Trap,” with Franklin Allen and Jing Xie. See Far, Wells Fargo Advisors Center for Finance and Accounting Research (WFA-CFAR), 2018.
为什么新加坡市场中国小企业欺诈案件不断增加?” 商业时代 Qian, Meijun “Why S-Chip Fraud Cases Keep Cropping Up?”, The Business Times, February 17, 2012.
“共同基金经理真的表现不佳吗?” 商业时代 Qian, Meijun “Stale Pricing a Possible Cause of Underperforming Mutual Funds”, The Business Times, December 7, 2011.
“解决中小企业融资缺口”, 商业时代 “Fixing the SME Financing Gap”, The Business Times, Nov 25, 2010.
“中国经济如何增长”商业时代 “How China Grows Economically”, The Business Times, Feb 25, 2010.
2021 亚洲金融经济研究局,Asian Bureau of Finance and Economics Research, 新加坡, May
2020 公共课 Public lecture series, ANU CBE Alumni network, Canberra, 澳大利亚, May,
2018 中国国际金融政策论坛,China International Forum on Finance and Policy, UIBE, Beijing
2017 西方金融协会和金融中介杂志联合会议,关于银行和金融市场的危机后演变,WFA-CFAR and JFI Conference on the Post-Crisis Evolution of Bank and Financial Markets, Washington University in St. Louis, 美国, October, 银行与金融稳定会,FIRN Banking and Financial Stability Meeting, Canberra, 澳大利亚, July, 中国国际金融会议,China International Conference of Finance, Hangzhou, 中国, July, 创业金融会议,The 2nd Entrepreneurial Finance Conference, Ghent, 比利时, July,
2016 维多利亚大学金融研讨会Finance Workshop, Victoria University of Wellington, 新西兰 比特币,对冲基金和网球, Bitcoins, Hedge Funds, and Tennis Balls, 墨尔本 美国房地产和都市经济协会,AREUEA International Conference, Alicante, 西班牙, July, “经济增长和妇女的作用,性别平等对七国集团的影响“,Economic Growth and the Role of Women, Implications of the Group of Seven for Gender Equality, Tokyo, 日本
2015 美国房地产和都市经济协会美国社会科学协会,AREUEA-ASSA Annual Meeting, Boston 麻省理工大学-新加坡国立大学-马斯特里赫特联合研讨会, MIT-NUS-Maastricht Symposium, 新加坡, November, 新兴经济研讨会,The Emerging Economies Workshop, UNSW, 悉尼, Australia 2014 中国国际金融会议, China International Conference of Finance, Chengdu, 中国, July. 欧洲金融管理协会,European Financial Management Association, Rome, 意大利, June.
2013 美国南部经济协会,Southern Economic Association (SEA) meeting, 美国, Florida。 亚洲金融经济研究局,Asian Bureau of Finance and Economic Research, 新加坡,May. 金融全球化与可持续金融, Financial Globalization and Sustainable Finance: Implications for Policy and Practice, 卡普顿, May.
2012 治理,机构与组织中心,Centre for Governance, Institutions & Organizations (CGIO) Academic Conference, 新加坡, August. 新兴经济体研讨会, The Emerging Economies Workshop, UNSW, 悉尼, August. 金融管理协会-亚洲, Financial Management Association — Asian, Thailand, July. 亚洲金融协会,Asian Financial Association, 中国台湾, July. 中国国际金融会议,China International Conference of Finance, Chongqing, 中国, July. Financial Management Association — Europe, Turkey, June.
2011 治理,机构与组织中心,Centre for Governance, Institutions & Organizations (CGIO) Academic Conference, 新加坡, August. 亚洲金融协会,Asian Finance Association Meeting, 澳门, China, July. 中国国际金融会议, China International Conference of Finance, Wuhan, 中国, July. 美国法律经济协会,American Law & Economics Association Meeting, 纽约, May. 新兴市场的公司治理, 3rd International Conference on Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets, Seoul, 韩国, May. 国立台湾大学,国际经济,金融和会计会议,9th NTU International Conference on Economics, Finance and Accounting, Taipei,中国台湾, May. 学术界和从业者法律会议,解决当前问题影响国际商业活动” The Academic and Practioners’ Law Conference, Addressing Current Issues Affecting International Business Activity”, 北京, China, May. 9 金融与公司治理,2nd Finance and Corporate Governance Conference, Melbourne, Australia, April [最佳论文奖].
2010 中西部金融协会,Midwest Finance Association Meeting, Las Vegas, 美国, February. 私募股权投资会议,WHU Campus for Finance Private Equity Conference [keynote speech by co-author] Germany, March 北部金融协会,Northern Finance Association Meeting, Winnipeg Manitoba, 加拿大
2009 美国金融协会,American Finance Association Meeting,旧金山,January 国立台湾大学,国际经济,金融和会计会议, NTU International Conference of Economics, Finance and Accounting, Taipei,中国台湾, May 亚洲金融协会,Asian Finance Association Meeting, 布里斯班, July 中国国际金融会议, China International Conference in Finance,Guangzhou, July 欧洲金融协会,European Finance Association Meeting, Bergen, 挪威y, August 东亚研究所“应对东亚经济危机” ,East Asian Institute “Managing Economic Crisis in East Asia”, 新加坡, November.
2008 金融经济学家协会会议, Association of Financial Economists Meeting, 新奥尔良 新兴市场金融会议CAF-FIC-SIFR Conference on Emerging Market Finance, 斯德哥尔摩 欧洲金融管理协会,European Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, Athens, 希腊, June 中国国际金融会议, China International Conference in Finance,Dalia,中国, July 土耳其资本董事会,The Capital Boards of Turkey, 安卡拉, October
2007 西方金融协会,Western Finance Association Meeting, Big Sky, Montana, 美国,June 沃顿-印度商学院,印度金融系统,Wharton-ISB Joint Conference on India’s Financial System, 沃顿商学院, April 中国国际金融会议,China International Conference in Finance, 成都, China, July 分析金融中心研究会议,Summer Research Conference at the Center of Analytical Finance, India School of Business,印度, August
2006 哥伦比亚大学法学院,中国新兴金融市场,Columbia Law School Conference on China’s Emerging Financial Markets, 纽约, January 证券监管委员会,监管的边界会议,Boundaries of SEC Regulations Conference, Claremont, 美国加州, February 达顿-世界银行-金融经济杂志,新兴市场会议, Darden School- World Bank-JFE Conference on Emerging Markets, 华盛顿特区, March 中国金融协会年度会议,Annual Chinese Finance Association Conference, 麻省剑桥
2005 西方金融协会,Western Finance Association Meeting, Portland, OR, 美国,June 金融管理协会,Financial Management Association, 芝加哥, IL, October
2004 美国金融协会,American Economic Association, San Diego, 加州,January
2002 中国管理的未来,The Future of Chinese Management, 沃顿西部校园,旧金山 亚洲公司治理,The 2nd Asian Corporate Governance Conference, 首尔,May 中国国际金融会议,The 1st China International Conference in Finance, 北京, July
2005,西部金融协会 ,约证券交易所论文奖,俄勒冈州波特兰市