

教授 ZJUI副院长 数据与信息科学研究部主任

王教授是浙江省特聘专家并具有正高级工程师职称,在UIUC工学院等高校院所担任兼聘教授和客座研究员。担任浙江省海外高层次人才联谊会副秘书长、电子信息分会副会长。他是英国高等教育院Fellow, IEEE、人工智能学会等多个国际国内学术组织资深会员,担任国际期刊IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing副主编和Journal of Service Oriented Computing and Applications编委, IEEE CSCWD、IEEE ICEBE等多个高水平国际会议技术委员会委员和组织者。曾为国际会议做主旨报告两次,获得四项高水平国际会议最佳论文奖。作为第一导师指导毕业博士、硕士生30余人(其中一人获得国家“优秀自费留学奖”)。


  • 剑桥大学(工程系),博士

  • 清华大学(自动化系),硕士

  • 浙江大学(生仪学院/竺可桢学院),学士


  • 2022至今,浙江大学,助理教授

  • 2021 – 2022 美国达特茅斯学院,研究助理




  • G. Peng, H. Wang, J. Dong, H. Zhang. Knowledge-Based Resource Allocation for Collaborative Simulation Development in Multi-tenant Cloud Computing Environments. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. 11(2), 2018. pp. 306-317.

  • J. Zhao, H. Wang, W. Liu, H. Zhang. A Learning-Based Multiscale Modelling Approach to Real-Time Serial Manipulator Kinematics Simulation. Neurocomputing. 390, 2019. pp. 280-293. 

  • H. Wang, H. Mao, H. Zhang. A Variable-Step Interaction Algorithm for Multidisciplinary Collaborative Simulation. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering. 21, 2014. pp.263-279.   

  • H. Wang, A. L. Johnson, H. Zhang, S. Liang. Towards a Collaborative Modeling and Simulation Platform on the Internet. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 24(2), 2010. pp.208-218. 

  • H. Wang, H. Zhang. An Integrated and Collaborative Approach for Complex Product Development in Distributed Heterogeneous Environment. International Journal of Production Research. 2008, 46(9), pp.2345-2361. 


  • G. Peng, H. Wang, H. Zhang, K. Huang. A Hypernetwork-Based Approach to Collaborative Retrieval and Reasoning of Engineering Design Knowledge. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 2019, 42, 100956. 

  • G. Peng, H. Wang, H. Zhang, Y. Zhao, A. L. Johnson. A Collaborative System for Capturing and Reusing In-Context Design Knowledge with An Integrated Representation Model. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 33, 2017. pp.314-329. 

  • H. Qin, H. Wang, A. L. Johnson. A RFBSE model for capturing engineers’ useful knowledge and experience during the design process. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 44, 2017. pp.30-43. 

  • H. Wang, A. L. Johnson, R. H. Bracewell. The Retrieval of Structured Design Rationale for the Re-use of Design Knowledge with an Integrated Representation. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 26(2), 2012. pp.251-266. 


  • P. Peng, W. Zhang, Y. Zhang, H. Wang, H. Zhang. Non-revisiting Genetic Cost Sensitive Sparse Auto-Encoder for Imbalanced Fault Diagnosis. Applied Soft Computing. (In print)

  • P. Peng, Y. Zhang, H. Wang, H. Zhang. Towards Robust and Understandable Fault Detection and Diagnosis Using Denoising Sparse Autoencoder and Smooth Integrated Gradients. ISA Transactions. 2021 (DOI: 10.1016/j.isatra.2021.06.005). 

  • P. Peng, W. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Y. Xu, H. Wang, H. Zhang. Cost Sensitive Active Learning Using Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Neural Networks for Imbalanced Fault Diagnosis. Neurocomputing. 2020, 407, pp.232-245.

  • G. Peng, H. Wang, H. Zhang. Intelligent management of coal stockpiles using improved grey spontaneous combustion forecasting models for cleaner power plants. Energy. 132, 2017. pp.269-279.


  • Y. Cao, Y. Liu, H. Wang, J. Zhao. Ontology-based Model-Driven Design of Distributed Control Applications in Manufacturing Systems. Journal of Engineering Design. 2019, 30(10-12), pp.523-562. 

  • W. Yuan, Y. Liu, H. Wang, Y. Gao. A Geometric Structure Based Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Multi-objective Problems. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics – Systems. 47(9), 2017. pp.2516-2537.

  • H. Zhu, Y. Liu, H. Wang, J. Zhao. Efficient Construction of the Medial Axis for a CAD Model using Parallel Computing. Engineering with Computers. 34(3), 2018. pp.413–429.

  • W. Yuan, Y. Liu, J. Zhao, H. Wang. Pattern-based Integration of System Optimization in Mechatronic System Design. Advances in Engineering Software. 98, 2016. pp.23-37. 

  • H. Wang, H. Zhang. A Distributed and Interactive System to Integrated Design and Simulation for Collaborative Product Development. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 26(6), 2010. pp.778-789.  


  • 计算智能

  • 工业知识图谱

  • 知识管理与系统

  • 数据驱动的故障诊断

  • 数字孪生

  • 获奖情况

  • 2022年,第二十五届IEEE CSCWD国际会议最佳应用论文奖

  • 2021年,“吴文俊人工智能技术奖励”自然科学奖

  • 2020年,浙江大学校级先进工作者

  • 2020年,浙江大学国际联合学院优秀学术成果奖

  • 2019年,第十六届IEEE ICEBE国际会议最佳论文奖

  • 2018年,第二十二届IEEE CSCWD国际会议最佳论文奖

  • 2017年,2016年度“国家优秀自费留学奖”指导教授

  • 2015年,浙江大学校友工作突出贡献奖

  • 2013年,第六届面向可持续发展的设计制造大会最佳论文奖

  • 2012年,朴茨茅斯大学技术学部优秀研究奖

  • 2009年,优秀欧洲留学生一等奖

  • 2009年,剑桥大学克莱尔学院研究生旅行奖学金

  • 2007年,剑桥大学优秀海外青年学者博士奖学金

  • 2007年,清华大学优秀硕士毕业生、清华大学优秀硕士论文

  • 2006年,清华大学研究生一等奖学金

  • 2005年,清华大学罗克韦尔奖学金

  • 2004年,浙江大学“竺可桢特优毕业生”、浙江省优秀毕业生、浙江大学优秀毕业生、浙江大学优秀毕业论文

  • 2001年至2003年,连续三年获得浙江大学“一等奖学金”、“三好学生”、“优秀学生干部”,同时获得学校同年级最高荣誉“Ferrotec China奖学金”等