

助理教授 iMFA项目主任

罗玲利博士现任浙江大学国际联合商学院助理教授。她在新南威尔士大学获得博士学位。主要研究领域是战略管理,具体研究兴趣聚焦在企业行为战略、组织期望、地位和声誉等。研究成果发表在Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Business Ethics, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Journal of Small Business Management等国际学术期刊上。她主持国家自然科学基金、浙江省自然科学基金、浙江省哲学社会科学规划专项课题等。研究成果获浙江省哲学社会科学优秀成果青年奖。现担任Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Australian Journal of Management的期刊编委成员以及多个学术期刊的匿名审稿人。


  • 2019.07,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学,管理学博士(战略管理方向)

  • 2015.11,香港中文大学,管理学硕士(战略和国际商务方向)

  • 2013.06,武汉大学,管理学硕士(企业管理专业)

  • 2011.06,中南大学,管理学学士(电子商务专业)


  • 2022.09 至今,浙江大学国际联合商学院,助理教授

  • 2019.07-2022.08,浙江工商大学国际商学院,助理教授



  • Lingli Luo* & George Shinkle. 2024. Environmental context and organizational aspiration. Journal of Management Studies, DOI: 10.1111/joms.13049.

  • Lingli Luo, Xufei Ma*, Shige Makino, & George Shinkle. 2020. Cluster status and new venture creation. Journal of Business Venturing, 35(5), p.105985.

  • Meng Zhao, Xufei Ma, Sam Park, & Lingli Luo*. 2023. Attention-based constraint to MNC co-evolution in China's changing stakeholder environment. Journal of Business Ethics, DOI: 10.1007/s10551-023-05433-w

  • Lingli Luo, Xufei Ma, & Zeyu Wang*, 2022. The moderate-reputation trap: Evidence from a Chinese cross-border business-to-business e-commerce portal. Forthcoming. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 39, 395–432.

  • Megan Yuan Li, Shige Makino, Lingli Luo* & Chunyan Jiang, 2022. Entrepreneurial passion and organizational innovation: The moderating effects of events and the competence to exploit events. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, DOI: 10.1007/s10490-022-09853-6

  • Qin Su, Lingli Luo*, Dora Lau, & Bart de Jong. 2022. United or divided? Entrepreneurial passion and faultlines in new venture teams. Journal of Small Business Management. DOI: 10.1080/00472778.2021.2010086

  • Lingli Luo, Xueyuan Liu*, Xiande Zhao, & Barbara Flynn. 2023. The impact of supply chain quality leadership on supply chain quality integration and quality performance. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. 28(3), 508-521


  • Lingli Luo, Feifei Yang, Zeyu Wang, Jingyi Wang, & Dapeng Li. 2020. Signals from founders to funders: entrepreneurial goals in crowdfunding. The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Online

  • Meng Zhao, Sam Park, & Lingli Luo. 2020. Victor or victim: the dynamic advantage of MNCs' stakeholder approval capability. The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Online

  • Jingyi Wang, George Shinkle, & Lingli Luo. 2020. Strategic social comparisons: how historical performance influences reference group selection. The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Online

  • Jingyi Wang, George Shinkle, & Lingli Luo. 2019. Toward a theory of reference group determination: Longitudinal influences of organizations’ historical performance comparisons. Strategic Management Society Special Conference, Frankfurt, German.

  • Lingli Luo, & George Shinkle. 2018. Opportunity or threat? Organizational aspiration determination in an environmental jolt. The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, Illinois, United States, August 2018. Best Paper Proceedings.

  • Lingli Luo, & George Shinkle. 2018. The contingent role of environmental context in organizations’ aspiration determination. The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, Illinois, United States, August 2018.

  • Feifei Yang, George Shinkle, Hang Zhao, & Lingli Luo. 2018. Polychronicity in managing multiple goals: the effect of control formalization and control flexibility. The International Association of Chinese Management Research, Wuhan, Hubei, China, 2018

  • Lingli Luo, & George Shinkle. 2018. Aspiration determination under varying environmental conditions: An attention-based view. The International Association of Chinese Management Research, Wuhan, Hubei, China, 2018.

  • Qin Su, Lingli Luo, & Dora Lau. 2018. Faultline and entrepreneurial passion in start-up teams. The International Association of Chinese Management Research, Wuhan, Hubei, China, 2018.

  • George Shinkle, Mirjam Goudsmit, Feifei Yang, & Lingli Luo. 2017. Antecedents of organizational aspirations: Attention to the future, past, and situational context. The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia, United States, August 2017. Best Paper Proceedings.

  • Zeyu Wang, & Lingli Luo. 2017. The moderate-reputation trap: Evidence from cross-border business-to-business e-commerce portals. The Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Dubai, June 2017.

  • Qin Su, Lingli Luo, & Dora Lau. 2016. Predicting start-up success: Taking a team compositional approach. The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, California, United States, August 2016.

  • Lingli Luo, Xufei Ma, & Shige Makino. 2016. Community status and new organizational founding. The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, California, United States, August 2016.

  • Lingli Luo, Xufei Ma, & Shige Makino. 2015. Social and instrumental antecedents of firms’ innovation within the subnational regions: Evidence from China’s tire industry. The Asia Academy of Management Conference, Hong Kong, June 2015.

  • Lingli Luo. 2014. Initial location strategies and the consequent dynamics: Competition and cooperation between foreign and domestic firms. The Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, June 2014.






  • 企业行为战略

  • 组织期望

  • 地位和声誉


  • 国际商务管理

  • 营销管理


  • 2021.12,浙江省第二十一届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖青年奖

  • 2018.08,美国管理学会最佳论文提名

  • 2017.08,美国管理学会最佳论文提名

  • 2012.07,第六届运营与供应链管理国际学术会议 (ICOSCM 2012) 与第九届供应链管理与信息系统国际会议 (ICSCMIS 2012) 最佳论文奖